Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Of These Days...

We're going to get right into it today. Today's prompt is 'something that I feel strongly about.' As a fairly emotional person (and by that I mean, SUPER EMOTIONAL), I feel strongly about a lot of things (education, good manners, Tom Hiddleston, the merits of peanut butter on vanilla ice cream). What I feel the most strongly about though, is equality. Especially after the disheartening remarks that have come out over the last few days in regards to race. Some days, when I jump on Facebook to see what everyone has had for breakfast, and I come across the most upsetting comments that I could ever hope to see, it breaks my heart. And it's not just social media, it's become embedded in our society. In 2008, during President Obama's first run for office, I actually had someone tell me that they thought racism and sexism would be eradicated in our lifetime. I don't know if you're shocked by this, but that person was a heterosexual, white male. I literally laughed in his face. How do you expect two centuries old concepts to just go POOF! overnight? You can't. Because they won't. I would love it if they did. Would do the world's biggest and best happy dance. But you have to be realistic, and the very next sentence out of his mouth was perhaps the most sexist scenario he could have presented. When you tell me you think sexism will be eradicated (like it's a disease) and then proceed to show me how that's actually NOT the case by starting out a sentence, "If a woman....," uh, well, you kind of contradicted yourself there, buddy. Equality only brings about a more tolerant, loving, intelligent and productive society. It only brings about more love, why are we turning away from that? Why is the concept of more love in the world scarier to you than the hate you spew?

I don't understand where the amount of hate comes from that seems to be prevalent in today's society. These trolls that sit behind their computer screen lambasting everything and everyone that's view is different then theirs is sickening and heartbreaking. 9 times out of 10, I scroll past comments on everything. Even pictures of the most adorable baby you've ever seen, because some bastard decides to be a dick. Also, if you're going to insult someone via the Internet (very original, by the way. Kudos on that.), at least do it with the proper grammatical construct. Because I generally don't take insults to heart where the words have numbers in place of letters (also, on a different note, STOP DOING THAT. NUMBERS DON'T BELONG IN WORDS. TYPE OUT THE DAMN WORD.) Or, here's an idea, stop insulting people you've never met and probably will never meet. What purpose is it serving you to spew such hate and vitriol at people? How is it benefiting your life? We all have something different that we bring to the table. We all have talents that are uniquely ours and serves the world in a way that only we can do. It's 2014, you guys. TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN. This shit has got to end. I hate getting up in the morning and reading yet ANOTHER news story that someone has been hurt or killed because of the abhorrent prejudice that seems to permeate our daily lives. I really hope that one day I live in a world where I can wake up and read the headline, "Everyone Decided To Stop Being Dicks To Each Other. Free Puppies and Beer for All!" I think that's realistic.

Maybe that is a bit far fetched, but I do sincerely hope that one day, I'll be raising my children in a world where good news outweighs the bad, where you can marry whoever the hell you damn well please, and where Tina Fey is president.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Journaling Prompts

Happy Monday, you beautiful unicorns! Everyone staying dry and out of harm's way? This weather is vicious! More vicious than I am after being woken up. (Ba dum bum.) Seriously guys, there's a reason I'm still single and that joke is it. THAT JOKE IS IT.

Last week I talked about making a few changes around here. Mostly content wise, the design of the blog will stay the same for now. In one of my many Pinterest binges I came across a set of journaling prompts that I thought would allow not only you to know me a bit better, but if you so choose, for me to know you! AND LOVE YOU. (Hi, I'm a creep.) The prompts are below and some days I'll change it up because to me, some come across a bit tween/teen-y. Are those even words? They are today. The other days of the week that are set aside for travel, books, ladyfriends, etc. will still be around. This was just an idea to prompt me to write more.

We're starting off with 5 Ways to Win my Heart. There are a lot more than 5, but I'll give you the honest answers first.

  1.      Be kind. Please don't be a dickbag. To your waiters, your family, your friends, whoever, just BE A NICE PERSON. Stop putting on a show to hide whatever deep seated insecurity it is that you may have (and we all have them). You don't need to be cocky or constantly showing off what six pack you think you may have. I'm a lot more attracted to the fact that you talk about your family/job/friends with such love. That seals it for me. 
  2. Have ambition. This is a big one for me because I've dated guys whose lack of ambition astounds me. Set goals for yourself and work to meet them. Don't just settle yourself in place with no desire to move or do anything else with your life. Take life by the balls, man! You want to go live in Barcelona for a year, do it! That excitement and drive is what wins me over. That passion to change the world/drive race cars/meet Zach Galifianakis is what makes you you and drives you to be better, so why hide it?
  3. Intelligence is incredibly attractive. I'm not saying that you have to read 567 books a year or have an Ivy League degree, but being able to hold your own in a conversation of substance has always been a big draw for me. That goes for friends too, not just men. 
  4. MANNERS. Self explanatory. 
  5. Make me laugh. Again, pretty self explanatory.
If you want some more ways to win my heart that may come a bit lower down the list:
  - Don't wear fedoras. Don't wear socks with sandals. Realize the power of good grammar. Own a suit ( a legitimate suit, guys. YOU'RE A MAN. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER). Binge watch Netflix with me on rainy/snowy days. If I order shrimp at dinner, you don't get any. Order your own, dude. Some days I just want to read and not be bothered, understand that. Some days I watch 4 HP movies in a row, understand that. Cubs fans may be tolerated, but will always get made fun of. Republicans have no shot in hell. MOVE ALONG. Traveling the world is big on my bucket list, come along for the ride! 

There's quite a bit more to both lists, but that's a good enough start for now. :) 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Speaking My Truth

Happy Sunday! Obviously, I don't normally post on the weekends, and this won't happen very often, but....SURPRISE. :) Yesterday, I had this novel length post all typed out about some incredibly honest and vulnerable things I was feeling. I mean, shit got real, y'all. Then, because I felt that it seemed more a pity party than an idea of where I was coming from as a human being, I scrapped it. With this post, I'm going to try and show where I'm coming from, not using such depressing tactics. Like I said earlier in the week, there's going to be some changes around here. This will still be quite the delightful place, obviously. ;) However, I want to branch out on some of the things I talk about. Starting tomorrow, and for the next 30 days, I've got some ideas I want to take the blog. So, get excited. I KNOW YOU ARE.

Anywho, onwards and upwards. My family has a saying we're quite fond of: Illegitimi Non Carborundum, or "Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down." I find myself, especially lately, repeating it to myself on a near daily basis. Because I don't know if you know this, people can be mean. Vicious. Cruel. And negative. And I've decided lately, that negativity has no place in my life (honestly, when DOES negativity have a place in any of our lives, really?). But, you're picking up what I'm putting down. I've dealt with the cruelty and rudeness nearly all my life, on account of comments about my weight. So, while I'm used to it, it never hurts any less. Seriously, you guys. I don't think people understand that my weight is, and probably always will be, a source of contention for me. I know that I have chicken legs, a body that will never look like Heidi Klum's, but I'll get close to a place of acceptance and some dickbag will come along and blow that out of the water. We don't know what people are struggling with internally, so why are we so quick to jump on them for external appearances or what have you? Can I tell you that I'm 28 years old and will STILL come home and cry because some jerk thought he was being funny with a weight joke? I'm working on getting to a place where I can just walk away and say "FUCK YOU." And I am getting there. Slowly but surely. But, my 12 year old self who is still in there and fragile and emotional, gets her feelings hurt. As I think we all would. People need to understand that when you make fun of someone for their small stature, it does just as much hurt as it does making fun of someone for having a bigger frame. It still hurts my feelings. You're not paying me a compliment, you're insulting me and making it look like a compliment. We all have enough to deal with in life without the added on insults of insecure people. BE NICE, MAN. Where you might find yourself making some rash insult/comment, try complimenting that person instead ("That shirt is such a great color on you! Paint with all the colors of the wind! Your smile is bewitiching!"). Taking that time to be positive will come back to you in spades. I promise you.

Negative people in general have no place in my life. I'm at such a precarious time of my life. I'm not sure what I want to do, where I want to go. So, it's important to me to spend my time and surround myself with positive, loving people. People with their own dreams and ambitions. People who are intelligent and well-educated and love a good whiskey cocktail. People who won't make me feel like I can't get a word in edge wise about what's going on in my life. It's give and take. I've made some changes with friends in the last few months, that I think will probably continue to change. And it's done nothing but serve me for the better. There are a few girlfriends, that I'VE ACTUALLY NEVER MET, who I feel closer to than some people that should be my close friends. Is that weird? We text, Facebook all the time, and I tell you these girls are my spirit animals. Isn't it funny how life works itself out?

Like I said above, this place will continue to be delightful and full of humor. But, I wanted to take today to just speak my truth a bit. I know I preach positivity so much, I probably am starting to sound like a broken record, but...DEAL WITH IT. Because, and I kid you not, Thursday afternoon, I got in the car to run some errands and just had a quick pep talk with myself before I left (am I the only one who does that? Bueller? Bueller?). I took a few deep breaths, told myself everything would be alright, things will work out, and the very next day, things did! I'm not saying there's a direct correlation, but I'd like to think so. I'd like to think that positive thoughts yield positive results.

Tomorrow I'm back in full force with a couple of new ideas and I hope you'll stick around! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and get out and enjoy the sun before these coming storms land us all in Oz. :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

LGB! Let's Go Blues!

Happy Monday, all! Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, if you celebrate it. What a beauuuutiful weekend we had! Now, if it could just stay that way through at least October, we're in business.

If you don't follow hockey, this post will probably bore you to tears. Tonight is Game 3 of the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs and as a big St. Louis Blues fan, my excitement knows no bounds! However, this post won't just be about me doing my happy dance, I also want to talk about sportsmanship. So, shit's about to get real.

                                                    Credit: (Pinterest)

Look, opposing teams, especially those who are rivals, are known to have some tension. But that tension doesn't need to present itself in the form of jerkbag moves resulting in a concussion and a group of fans who are just terribly and horribly rude. When someone gets hurt, and your first reaction is to make fun of that person, you are a jerk. Plain and simple. When someone gets thrown into the wall and is obviously in need of some medical attention, and you STILL make fun of that person, you're just an asshole. I've always stood by the fact that I think the Chicago Blackhawks are a great team. I think they're incredibly talented, and really can play hockey well. I have a lot of friends who are Blackhawks fans and while we tease each other good-naturedly, I would never think for a second that they would wish harm on the player of the opposing team. After Game 2 of this series, however, I've lost all respect for the Chicago Blackhawks themselves. I think we all know if the skate was on the other foot, Chicago would be up in damn arms about one of their players leaving the ice with a concussion, and calling for our player to be ejected.

I understand hockey is a contact sport, and people are going to get hurt. But to be so vicious and rude about everything is ridiculous. To have t-shirts made demeaning another player is such a dick move, man. I completely understand the spirit and love people have for their teams, the passion is something I love in everybody, regardless of who you root for. If you really are behind a team, and not just a bandwagon fan when that team is doing well, I'm all about you (even if you're a Cubs fan). But, you've got to learn when to be a passionate fan, and when to be a passionate human being. I admit, I love a good hockey fight. (what that says about me, I don't even want to know). But, when that fight results in a player being physically unable to continue (ANY player, on ANY team), than that's where I draw the line. I might say some things in the heat of the moment that could be construed as not the nicest things in the world, but I would never make fun of a player on any team having to be escorted off the rink/field.

Let's all just drink our beer, yell obscenities when things are going well and no one is hurt, and watch the game, dudes. LGB! :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursdays

Happy Thursday! Hope everyone has been able to enjoy the beautiful day. Come on Spring, I know you can do it. :) Normally Thursdays are dedicated to life's literary pursuits, but honestly, I'm totally drawing a blank today on what to talk about. I have at least 98,786 new books to read on my nightstand and once I get into those, Thursday's posts will be ridic.

I do, however, want to mention this wonderful act of kindness I saw while out and about today. Before I start, let me preface by saying that, as naive as it may sound, I'd like to believe that people are inherently good. I know that's not the case necessarily and this world is filled with sick bastards. And while trying to tell this story, I was met with instant negativity. And to me, that is just incredibly sad. That the first place your mind goes is to somewhere bad. It breaks my heart that because so much of the news these days is horrible, our minds immediately go to a negative place when we hear of something good. And maybe it wasn't good, maybe I really am naive. But for me, I'd like to believe the world is filled with at least a small amount of kind -hearted people. It helps me get through my day (as does a whiskey cocktail) and helps blind me to the jackholes that do populate the planet.

Anywho, I was heading out on a couple of errands when I was stopped at a red light. To my right, there's a bus stop. A woman was standing there who happened to be in a boot and on crutches. A truck pulled over her to offer her a ride so that she didn't have to stand there, waiting and uncomfortable. While I thought the action was very sweet and such a wonderful act of kindness, I know others don't see it that way. And what was shocking is that my mind didn't go where a lot of other people's did. I didn't think it could be any thing other than one human extending a kindness to another. Let's just all be kind to each other. It breaks my heart that my mind has to process "Are they really being nice or is there an ulterior motive?" That should never be the case. Like I mentioned earlier in the week, we're all going through this together. And look, I'm not stupid enough to think the world isn't filled with dickbags and sick bastards. I know it is. I know the world can be cruel and terrible and unfair. That's why these small acts of kindness to our fellow man are so important.

All I ask is that you pay it forward. Do something genuine and kind for someone that you don't know. I try and do that every day, and I'll tell you, it comes back to me. Kindness is always in style.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ladyfriend Wednesdays: Dame Maggie Smith

Happy Wednesday, you beautiful unicorns! Hope everyone is enjoying the day, finally it feels like spring might be putting up a fight and sticking around. One can only hope. This up and down weather is ridiculous, even for the Midwest! Since its Wednesday, time for another Ladyfriends installment! And this week, it's all about Dame Maggie Smith. I could write a dissertation on my love of this beautiful British bombshell, but I'll keep it relegated to just a few paragraphs. It shall be difficult. ;)

                                                           Credit: (Pinterest)

My friends and I often discuss our dream dinner parties (What? You don't?) and Maggie Smith always makes the top of that list. I just want to pour some whiskey and have her tell me all about life. I feel like her wisdom is unparalleled. From Hook to The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood to Harry Potter, and everything in between, she handles herself with the grace and dignity befitting a dame. Seriously, a REAL DAME. Why don't we all live in Britain? I'm sure I'm romanticizing quite a bit, but come on. YOU CAN BE KNIGHTED. But, my Britain obsession is for another day. :)

Her current role, as the Dowager Countess on Downton Abbey may be my absolute favorite of hers, and I think, probably the closest character to her in real life. Or at least, I hope. I can only hope, 50 years down the line, that I'm as delightful as she is. I just really dig strong women, alright? Bold, brash, fiesty women who own the hell out of who they are. And Maggie Smith epitomizes that for me. She has such a strength of character, that I think is sorely missing in actresses today. And I hope everyone realizes, I'll never stop saying "That sounds most unsuitable" if I'm not into something. So, prepare yourself for that.

                                               (Credit: Pinterest)

And if you get the chance, please watch her terrific 60 Minutes interview from last year. So wonderful. Such an inspiration. My love for her knows no bounds.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Boston Strong

Normally, today's post would be devoted to Travel Tuesdays, and next Tuesday we will definitely jump back in. But today, I wanted to recognize the absolute inspiration that is the city of Boston. A year after one of the most devastating and heart-breaking events, the city is stronger than ever. There is a wonderful article I came across via a friend's Facebook page that I had to share. Runner's World presents a powerful and beautiful look at what has come of such tragedy. A year ago, I did my first 5k, not only to prove to myself that I could, but to do it for those who couldn't run anymore. And while I didn't run the entire way, I finished with a sense of pride so deep that it's made me consider actually running a whole one. The events of the marathon could have broken the city, but they didn't. Not only did the city come together in such a proud and inspiring way, they also went on to claim the 2013 World Series title. So today, my thoughts are with the city of Boston as they inspire the rest of the nation and the world with their endless fortitude and grace. Today, we are all Boston Strong.

                                                Credit: (Pinterest)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spread Love!

Happy Monday, you wonderful people! Hope everyone made it through the day alright and is currently curled up at home out of this weather. Seriously, Spring, we get it. You don't want to be upstaged by winter. What a drama queen.

Anyways, today's post is taking a little bit of a different turn. I want to talk about the incessant negativity that seems to be permeating social media today. I touched on this a bit on Facebook, but want to get a little more in depth. We all have bad days. We all have days where we'd rather stay at home under the covers and binge watch Friday Night Lights on Netflix. I get it. I have those days quite a bit. And they seem to be happening more and more lately, what with everything happening in terms of job searching. But, you know what I try not to do? I try not to take to my Facebook account or any of my social media accounts and blast my negativity everywhere. Sometimes, I admit, it can't be helped. And I've bitched about bad driving, rudeness, et al. But, after going through my newsfeed and seeing such blatant negativity and rudeness, I decided things had to change.

                                                 (Credit: Pinterest)

I decided that I will only be using social media to spread positivity and love. To see some of the comments that go along with others' status updates is unreal to me. That people can be so vicious and cruel is unreal to me. UNREAL. Where did you learn this hatred and why do you carry it with you? I always think of the Debbie Downer sketches on SNL with Rachel Dratch, every time I see a negative status. I feel like next time you're going to be telling me the statistics of feline aids (please tell me you've seen these sketches, otherwise that sentence will make me sound RIDICULOUS).

Can we please just all stop being absolute assholes to each other? We're all in this together. We're all going through our own shit, we're all just trying to make it through the day. Stop judging others because they get through their day differently than you do. You're not the only person who's car won't start/hair looks terrible/feels like shit, et al. If you don't like something, that's fine. You don't have to like everything or everyone, that would be really boring, man! But, you do need to show respect and tolerance. Because honestly, making fun of someone for loving something is just a real dick move, dude. BE KIND. Stop tearing others down because they happen to like something that you find not so great. You know what? I hate the hell out of geometry, so guess what? I JUST DON'T DO IT. Take that approach. You don't like something or someone? THAN WALK AWAY. DON'T ENGAGE. It's not rocket science.

I know this might sound really after school specialy, I get that. But, the times I have shown kindness and love, I've gotten it back in spades. And what you show in negativity and hate, will also come back. Listen to the wise words of the ultimate British dreamboat, Tom Hiddleston:

                                                                  (Credit: Pinterest)

And on those days where you find it really hard to bite your tongue, may I suggest investing in this:

                                                     Credit: (Pinterest)

If you're reading this, know that I think you're a hell of a human being. You're going places, kid. (I'm also Humphrey Bogart). You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursdays: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Happy Thursday! Today was one of those days that gave you hope that winter is out of here and it's smooth sailing for the next 6-7 months (knock on wood). What a beauuuuuutiful day! I hope you all were able to get out and enjoy it.

It's Thursday, which means another installment of My Patronus is a Bookworm. WHOO. I can feel your excitement. This week, I've gone back to an old favorite. I try and reread the Harry Potter series at least once a year, for no other reason than because I can. It's comforting to me. If I'm sick or there's a snow day, I can guarantee you at least one of the HP movies is being popped in.

I'm not the only one that keeps going back to old favorites, right? TELL ME I'M NOT. I re-read the first three earlier this year, than got sidetracked with the stack of new books on my nightstand. Now, I'm back and nearly halfway through Goblet of Fire. (Also, if you've just watched the movies and never read the books, SIGH. We need to have some words.) I forgot, especially with Book 4, how much is omitted from the movies. The books are the way to go. Not that the movies aren't wonderful, they are. But, there's something about the books that's just special in a way the movies are not. I feel that way with most movie adaptations. You would be hard pressed to find a movie that I preferred over the book.

Your turn. What's the one book that you keep going back to? I'd love to hear! And it may just be another suggestion to add to my ever growing "To Read" list.

Happy almost weekend, you beautiful unicorns!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ladyfriend Wednesday: Audrey Hepburn

How this beautiful lady was not first in this series, I don't know, but I'm rectifying that mistake now. Anyone who knows me, knows that my love of Audrey Hepburn runs deep. I've had a respect and an admiration for her for as long as I can remember. So much so, that a few years ago, I dressed up as Audrey for Halloween. The resemblance is uncanny, right?

                                                                    (Halloween 2011)

Any new book that comes out on Audrey, I snap up in a heartbeat. I cannot tell you the amount of movies/books/photographs I have in my home of her. To me, she epitomizes grace, class and style. Three things which I believe are greatly lacking, not just in Hollywood today, but everywhere. When did women stop being ladies? When did it become okay to wear clothes out of the house that look like they belong on a doll? When did manners go by the wayside? People will always ask me why I think I'm still single and my answer is very simple: I was raised with manners and self respect and I know what I deserve. I don't think I'm asking a whole hell of a lot when I'm asking for those same manners in return. Respect your ladies, dudes! And ladies, show that same respect. Let's all respect each other! What a novel idea!

Anywho, I've gotten off on a rant again and I apologize. Manners are just important! And not just to your significant other, but to your servers, your dry cleaner, your cobbler. What? I don't know. Just...RESPECT MORE! Now that I have sufficiently managed to sound like an episode of Sesame Street where R was the letter of the day, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

                                                      Credit: (Pinterest)

Many people just associate Audrey with Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady or Roman Holiday. And while all wonderful movies, and top of my list of favorites, she also not only starred in a plethora of other wonderful movies (seriously, check out Two For The Road, you won't be sorry), but was an amazing humanitarian who did such wonderful and gratifying work with UNICEF, and was bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Instead of just remembering Audrey for her beauty, remember that she was the daughter of a Nazi sympathizer and spent her teens raising money for the Dutch resistance against the Nazis. By just remembering that she's pretty, we are doing her an incredible disservice. It's almost like saying her post film career didn't matter. Read up and educate yourself on Audrey, because I don't just admire and like her for her beauty. I admire her for the simple fact that she had a kind heart. And that's all that really matters.

Happy Wednesday :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Travel Tuesdays: Amsterdam

Happy Tuesday, you beautiful unicorns. 2 days down, 3 to go, you can doooo it! Obviously, it's Tuesday, which means....TRAVEL TUESDAYS! Who's excited? All of us? Great. That's what I thought.

                                                         Credit: (Pinterest)

Today, we're looking at Amsterdam, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Amsterdam has all of the qualities of small city living while maintaining a big city feel: culture, nightlife, restaurants, etc. Of the travel blogs I read, Amsterdam has quickly popped up as one of the preeminent European destinations. And due to its extensive canal system, there is scarcely any road traffic. Quite a plus :)

                                               Credit: (Pinterest)

The city maintains an intimate feel while being home to some of the best museums in the world. The Anne Frank House, the Van Gogh Museum, the Royal Palace, are all incredible places of interest and top on anyone's list. Amsterdam is also home to one of the most beautiful public libraries in the world, and as a person who views libraries as incredibly enchanting places, my heart beats a little bit faster. One of the days, I will make it to Amsterdam. Ride a bike through its gardens, take a boat down its canals, but until then, I'll have to settle myself with beautiful photographs and tulips to brighten up my house.

                                                         Credit: (Pinterest)

PS: I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that the photo taken of me in St. Louis was taken by Abigail Luella Imogene Kerkhoff, a preeminent photographer and lady cat.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Batter Up!

                                                (Credit: Pinterest)
Happy Opening Day, you wonderful people! Hopefully you're a Cardinals fan, like myself and are so excited and hyped up on the energy of today, that it has been hard for you to sit still! If you're not, GET OUT OF HERE. Just kidding....maybe.

I've never been lucky enough to attend Opening Day myself, but I cannot tell you what joy days like today bring me. Baseball is back, the first hints of summer are right around the corner and everything seems to slow down a bit. There is nothing that beats an afternoon/evening at the ball park. Especially Busch Stadium. The million dollar beers leave little to be desired, but man....the smell of hot dogs, the people, the coming together for "Take Me Out To The Ballgame," IT IS HEAVEN. The one thing about Busch Stadium that has always made me happy is that whenever the Cardinals are winning or a fantastic play just happened, it doesn't matter if you know each other or not, everyone high fives each other and cheers their team on together. I'm not saying that doesn't happen at every other ballpark, but in St. Louis, it's something special.

                                                (Me in downtown STL, 2012)

I think there's a reason St. Louis is called the best baseball town in America. I kid you not, when I was in New York this past fall and told people where I was from, people actually responded with "That's the best baseball town in America!" And that's coming from New Yorkers, people. The Yankees! The only team the Cardinals are second to in World Series wins. It warmed my heart and filled me with pride to be from such a great sports city.

If you got a chance to be in STL today, let it be known that I am supremely jealous of you. Even on game days that aren't already filled to the hilt with excitement, being downtown for a game is an experience of itself. So glad it is finally baseball season once again!

Play ball! I hope wherever you are, you just started singing the song from A League Of Their Own, because otherwise, WHO ARE YOU?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursday: I Am That Girl

Happy Thursday! You've made it to the end of the week - just one more day! Hopefully you've poured yourself a glass of wine, as I have done. :) Since it's Thursday, it's obviously time for another installment of My Patronus is a Bookworm. This week, we're looking at I Am That Girl: How To Speak Your Truth, Discover Your Purpose and #bethatgirl by Alexis Jones (yes, the title has a hashtag, GET OVER IT.). I have yet to read it, I just received it today, but I have been itching to read this ever since Sophia Bush shared that she had done the forward. At this current time in my life, when I feel like everything is up in the air and I don't know what life will look like in 5 years, this is just the book I need.

An excerpt:

               "This life is too short for you to waste it wondering, "What if?" So be bold. We all have it in us, even you, my dear, whether you know it or not. It just takes deciding to punch your pride in the face, to forget about what "they" think, and to go for it. It means making the choice that you are willing to put in tireless hours of work and that you are unwilling to quit, unwilling to back down, unwilling to be distracted or deterred. Boldness is a choice we are all presented with, a state of mind, a way of being. If you don't try, you won't succeed. If you don't shoot, you'll never score. If you don't leap, you'll never know what you are made of, and you'll wake up at the end of a very long life and wish you had danced more." (Page 174)

Such powerful stuff.

The book goes into how you can be the best version of yourself, which I realize may sound a little self-helpy to people. But, for me, it's just what I need to hear right now. It is a book that empowers women to create the most awesome life they can and to live their truth. In fact, there's not just a book, there's entire "I Am That Girl" movement and I encourage you to check out their website to better inform yourself of this wonderful organization. I link to it at the end of this post.

Alexis Jones is the founder of the non-profit I Am That Girl and a powerful voice in the Generation Y women's movement. Please, do yourself a favor and inform yourself of the wonderful work being done.

                                                         Credit: (PopSugar)

I Am That Girl

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ladyfriend Wednesday: Kate Middleton

Happy Wednesday, you beautiful unicorns! I hope everyone is staying dry and hasn't had to be out in this weather too much. Yikes. Spring, you make quite the entrance, don't you? Guess you don't want winter to upstage you. What a drama queen.

Since it's Wednesday, it's time for another installment of LadyFriends! This week, we're looking at my British BFF (she just doesn't know it yet), Kate Middleton.

I don't know where to start; her hair, her wardrobe, her husband, her adorable baby. Kate, let's go for drinks and please spill all royal secrets. I won't tell a soul, I promise. I want to know what you REALLY think of this whole Prince Harry/Cressida thing and whether Camilla is as much of a hoot as I think she is. Call me, girrrrl.

Let's also talk about her wedding dress for a second. Are you kidding me? I would have that on my body every day of the week. I would vacuum and go to the grocery store in that dress. I covet it in a way that's probably not healthy.

Putting aside her wardrobe and insane hair for moment, Kate is also an incredible humanitarian with a wonderful amount of patronages, many of which focus on the care and education of children. She is an admirable and charitable woman, and for that, she gets this week's distinct honor. :) Your certificate is in the mail, milady. I feel like people should say that more. Just me?

Two days away from the weekend, you can dooooo it! :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Travel Tuesdays: Italy

Happy Tuesday, you beautiful unicorns! Today is obviously another installment of Travel Tuesdays, but before we get into that- was anyone else as disappointed as I was with last night's series finale of How I Met Your Mother? While I had a feeling that would be what happened, I still can't help but think that it was a huge cop out and negated the entire prior 9 seasons of the show. I was let down and thought there were so many other ways this show could have gone. But, I suppose you win some, you lose some.

Anyways, on to more positive and happy topics! Like, Italy! Italy has long been at the top of my list for travel destinations, and not just any one particular city or region. I love it all. I want to spend months in the Italian countryside, drinking wine in Tuscany, eating pasta in Florence, visiting ruins in Rome.

                                                Credit: (Pinterest)

I think another reason why I feel so drawn to the Italian life, is that my family is from there. I know I look incredibly Italian, right? I even have Italian language books currently sitting on my end tables to teach myself the language. Though I didn't realize it when I bought it, one is written ENTIRELY in Italian. So, that's been fun. I've always wanted to learn another language and to at least be able to carry myself through a visit without looking terribly American, so I've worked on it here and there. I'm obviously no great shakes, but if you need someone to tell you they love you, I'm your girl!

                                                    Credit: (Pinterest)
Ever since Roman Holiday, the Trevi Fountain has been high on my list of Italian marvels that I must see in my life. How can you not? It is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and so beautiful, I could cry. I'm coming for you, Italy. One of these days, I AM COMING FOR YOU.

Until then,