Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ladyfriend Thursday: Miranda Hart

I must first start out this post by saying that if you haven't yet seen The Imitation Game, you need to immediately. It's such a wonderful, heartbreaking, beautiful movie. Put it on your "to see" list ASAP. 

Ladyfriend Thursday is finally back! I can hear your screams of delight from here! And I want to get back into the swing of things with a current favorite of mine, Miranda Hart, who is most well known for her eponymous BBC sitcom, Miranda and as Chummy on Call the Midwife. I just purchased her book "Is It Just Me?" and I cannot wait to get started! I have a massive crush on this chick. 

I've always been drawn to funny women, but especially to women who own the hell out of themselves and their awkwardness. I find her to be such a relatable woman and whenever I find myself a bit sad, hers is the first show I turn on. There are very few people who can make me laugh so hard that I fail at being able to complete a coherent sentence, but Miranda Hart is certainly one of them. Does anyone have any ideas about how to go about becoming her best friend? Because---YES. ALL OF THE YES. If I were able to have a dream dinner party, she would definitely be on the guest list. 

What about you, beauties? Who are the women that are topping the list for your dream dinner parties? Let me know in the comments, I would love to hear! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bits and Pieces....

Thank you to everyone who understood where I was coming from on the social media front. Facebook has just gotten a little tiring for me, and not everything has to be documented for posterity. I'm not getting rid of it, just cutting down my usage and only posting when some big life event occurs, like a new job or I marry Prince Harry after a whirlwind courtship.

Who watched the Parks and Rec series finale last night? That show will always be first in friendship in my heart. The whole cast was on Late Night with Seth Meyers afterwards, which was wonderful. AND they ended the interview with a cast sing-a-long of "5,000 Candles in the Wind!" We will miss you in the saddest fashion, Pawnee. 

Tomorrow, I'm heading to see The Imitation Game with my uncle, and I cannot wait! I've heard such wonderful things about the movie and am anxious to see it. Plus, girl likes herself a big ol' bucket of popcorn for lunch (YOU'RE WELCOME, MOTHER). Review forthcoming. :) 

I know this post is a bit all over place, I WILL get back to posts that aren't ridiculous tomorrow, with a new Ladyfriend Thursday! I can feel your excitement from here. :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A "throw it at the wall and see what sticks" kind of Tuesday...

Thank you to all of the kind and wonderful responses to yesterday's post. It really makes me happy to know I'm not alone in ever having feeling that way. I'll try to make today's post a bit more cheerful. 

Is anyone else getting super tired of Facebook? I love it as a way to stay in touch with friends and family, and to be a total lurker when I want to be, but it's starting to get a bit monotonous. And I've found in the last few weeks, that I've gotten pretty heavily offended. Look, I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but when you're putting certain INCREDIBLY graphic images on your feed or claiming you've been hacked and then just laughing it off, it's a bit ridiculous. Especially when you're quite a bit older than my generation (okay, perhaps I am a bit of a Penelope Prude, DEAL). Now, when I feel myself wanting to be a creeper on social media, I try to pick up a book instead or turn to Netflix. In fact, I'll only be alerting my new posts on my blog's Facebook page now, not on my personal page anymore. So, please like it if you haven't already!

Finally started Parenthood yesterday and what a treasure it already is. (Fun fact: I had originally typed that without italicizing it. No worries, NOT YET A MOTHER. To my knowledge). In addition to the "classic books to read" list I just made in my phone, I also put a "Netflix Bingewatch" edition. So, my cool factor has raised pretty exponentially. 

Tonight is the series finale of Parks and Recreation, and I don't think I'm emotionally prepared. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Pawnee, Indiana and all of it's eccentricities yet! SIGH. The wine will be out in full force.

Also, I don't know how many of you watch Downton Abbey, but Lady Edith is on Instagram! Or, more accurately, Laura Carmichael, the actress who portrays her is. I am currently delighted.

Until tomorrow, beauties! Stay warm and cozy. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

When the Oscars Hit You in the Feels....

I think the cold has fried my brain, I just haven't been able to work up the energy to post this last week. MY APOLOGIES.

Last night was, of course, the Oscars, and I loved everything about it (thank you to my Aunt Lori and Uncle Beav for hosting a wonderful party!). I thought Neil Patrick Harris did a wonderful job; Lady Gaga's Sound of Music medley was beautiful and wonderful; the fashions were on point; but, most importantly, the speeches were so heartfelt. There was one in particular that really stood out for me. Graham Moore, who won for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Imitation Game (which I'm hoping to see this week), used his time to praise those who feel as though they may be weird or different.

Stay with me, because things might take a turn for the emotional. First, please watch the speech in full. My words won't be able to do it justice. 

Growing up, I was weird. I was different. I was made fun of because I was skinny, because I didn't wear lots of make up, because I wore glasses. I never felt like I fit in with anyone. Sure, I had friends. But, I never felt like I had that one specific set of friends that is always a constant in your life at that time. I felt that way for longer than I care to admit (well into my 20's. WELL INTO THEM). For me, I think it started in middle school (and to this day, if anyone tells me they weren't awkward at 14, I punch them in the throat). I never felt like I belonged, never felt that I had anything to really offer. I'll be honest with you, I'm almost 30 and have never once, been in a successful long term relationship. What that says about me, I don't know that I really care to know. 

I write posts like this because I want people to know that it gets better. When you feel like you don't have anything to offer, when you feel like you don't belong, it sucks. It is a terrible, gut wrenching feeling. I'm not kidding -- now, when people tell me that they think I'm funny or that they want to hang out with me, it actually blows my mind. I want to say, "are you sure?" I'm still awkward, I'm still weird, I'm still different. But now, I own it. I own the shit out of it. I realize that I have something very specific to offer the universe (new age-y I know, BEAR WITH ME). I'm here because there's something only I can do, something only I can offer. And the same is true of every single person on this planet. We're all just trying our best to get through this life, whether we use Jesus, booze, or books to help us with that. Being and weird and different is such a blessing. 

It has taken me nearly all of my 20's to be comfortable with myself, to own what 15 years ago, mortified me. And honestly, if people are making fun of you because you're not wearing the right shirt or shoes, then screw them. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you and lift you to be the best version of yourself that you can. I preach this so much, and there's a reason. I know this post is quickly becoming novel length, but it's so important. It's so important that you realize how special you are. Everyone that is reading this makes me so happy and delighted, and fills my heart with such love (especially if you've made it this far! Congrats!). 

I have written this through a cloud of tears (and maybe a shot or two of vodka. I SAID MAYBE!). Getting in touch with my younger self is not something I do too often, because 14 year old Tara was not kind to herself. Exposing myself like this is incredibly rough, but if it helps even one person realize their weirdness is a blessing, than I will tear my heart open every day (figuratively, of course. I'm not a monster).  It's so important to use our time here to be kind to each other. To realize that we don't ever know what's really going on with someone else. The best we can do is offer a helping hand. 

It's important that you never let anyone change who you really are, deep down inside, that person you are when you're alone. Because that person is wonderful and smart and beautiful and has a lot to offer. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- 9 Lives

I'm going to take a bit more freedom with this challenge, because some of these clearly appeal to me more than others, and because I want to really work on my writing (LUCKY YOU). When I first found this challenge via Pinterest, the one that stuck out the most was #17: Other Lives I'd want to live if I had 9 lives. I've always had people tell me they feel I'm a bit of an old soul, which I think is why the challenge spoke to me as much as it did. I've always felt I might have fared better had I been born 30, 40, 60 years ago. Well, 'fared better,' might not be the right term. But, I certainly would have fit in better. 

9 lives seems like a lot, but I think I'm up to the task. :) 

1. I would LOVE to have been a flapper in the 1920's. Dancing the Charleston, flouting societal mores and drinking alcohol despite Prohibition. Flappers tend to have been more outlandish and reckless than I currently am, which is something I would be incredibly interested to tap into. Plus, those dresses? SIGN ME UP. 
2. In that same vein, I would have loved to have been part of the Lost Generation, coming of age during the first World War. To be around such literary masterminds as Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Stein is a dream come true for a book nerd like myself. The conversations that would be happening is enough to stop my book loving heart. It's why Midnight in Paris is one of my favorite movies. I could live in it. Referencing the post- war, expatriate generation and coined by Gertrude Stein, I don't think you could find a better life to live.
3. I'd also like to take a crack at being a Girl Friday for a newspaper in the 1940's. Ummmm....YES PLEASE. Plus, those outfits. Yes. All of the yes. The fast paced aspects of all that it would entail is certainly right up my alley. 
4. Any life in which I'd get to be friends with Audrey Hepburn. 
5. Any life in which I'd get to be BFF's with Gilda Radner. 
6. Any life in which I could dance with Gene Kelly. 
7. Being a flower child, hippie of the 60's also holds a bit of an appeal. Not only because the music is AMAZING, but the chance to hear Joplin or Hendrix live? I would have been at Woodstock in a heartbeat.
8. I've been on a bit of a classics binge lately in terms of what I'm reading, so being a character in a Jane Austen novel always holds quite a bit of appeal for me. Or, at least exploring the English countryside in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with a Mr. Darcy like fellow. 
9. Any life in which Jimmy Stewart narrates by voiceover. 

What about you, beauties? What lives would you be interested in? I'd be delighted to hear! Hope you're all staying warm and cozy!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Current Netflix Binges

Finally! I know there are a lot of people who hate the snow and all the delays and obstacles it can present, but there's something so peaceful about the first big snowfall of the year. It also helps when you don't have anywhere to be. To anyone that had to get out in this today, please be safe! Watch out for the idiots on the road who suddenly forget all semblance of how to drive and take your time (I AM YOUR MOTHER).

For those of us staying nice and cozy inside, I've compiled a new list of Netflix binges. It's been awhile since my last compilation and I have come across some great finds since then!

First, I didn't realize Netflix had Lifetime movies (you learn something new every day). I'm not usually a big watcher, but I came across Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story,  and William & Kate, a movie clearly about William Henry Harrison and Kate Winslet (or not, but how great would that be? Someone get on that time traveling BFF story IMMEDIATELY). While obviously not wonders of cinematic greatness, they're still perfect for snowy days at home. As a big fan of both Kate Middleton's hair and the adventures of wizards, these were right up my alley; and chances are, if you're reading this blog, they might be right up yours as well.

I am ashamed to admit how long it took me to FINALLY finish the next show on the list, Friday Night Lights. This show has permanently landed on my all time favorite shows list (TEXAS FOREVER). Well acted, well written and well-Connie Britton'ed (which is a thing in my world), this is a show that you'll find yourself continually going back to, if not for the greatness that is Coach and Tami, than for Tim Riggins. I wasn't sure I'd like a show depicting life in a football crazed small Texas town, but crazier things have happened (like that whole Landry/Tyra Season 2 storyline). 

Finally, because if I'm not watching at least one British/Australian show at a time than I'm not really living, is Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. YOU GUYS. This is THE BEST. I can't believe I just found out about it. The show tells the story of a glamorous lady detective in 1920's Australia and just for the costumes alone, you need to watch. More importantly, it depicts a strong, brazen woman who doesn't need to explain herself to anyone at a time when women were either maids, wives or mothers. Phryne Fisher is one of the first feminists, which is another reason I'm so drawn to the show. I legitimately want to live inside of this television show, it's opulence is that breath taking. 

Any recommendations for what to watch next, beauties? I'm currently making my way through the aforementioned Miss Fisher, and also am trying to get into Hart of Dixie, the Rachel Bilson show about life in Bluebell, Alabama. It's......charming? I'm only 2 episodes in, so it's bound to pick up from here. I'd love to hear what shows you're currently hooked on! 

Stay warm, dry and cozy this week! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

31 Day Challenge (Day 8) -- Random Quirks

Today's challenge is "random quirks of mine." I'll try to whittle this list down as much as I can, because I'm nothing if not an extremely quirky broad.

1-- I constantly correct people's grammar, because I'm not a fan of morons. #wayharshTai
2-- I always carry a book in my purse. You never know when you'll be stuck waiting. 
3-- Unless I'm wearing a pair of boots, I don't wear socks. They creep me out for some reason and I hate the feel of them. 
4-- Birds are the worst and I have an intense fear of them. Want me to never speak to you again? Gift me with a bird and see how far I run.
5-- If fried shrimp is on the menu, I will order it. I don't care if we're at a Mexican restaurant. I don't stray far from my tried and true favorites.
6 -- I don't go to clubs. Bars/pubs -- ABSOLUTELY. Any place where the music can be described as "techno BS," no thanks. I'm out. 
7-- I will not eat cottage cheese. Are you serious? The texture of that is THE WORST. 
8-- When I'm making something like toasted ravs, they have to be in even numbers. 
9-- If I'm doing something that requires quite a bit of concentration, I tend to hold my tongue between my teeth. I thank my grandfather for this one. :) 
10. -- It is physically impossible for me to walk out of a bookstore empty handed. It cannot be done.

What about you, beauties? What are some of your random quirks? Any as ridiculous as mine? Don't worry, this is a safe space. No judgment! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 7

Today's challenge is "reasons to be happy." A welcome challenge, after the last couple of days of Debbie Downer. I hesitate to make this post sound like an after school special, but I'm afraid it might veer into that territory a bit. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE.

1. Finally surrounding myself with strong women who's values and morals line up with my own. I'm not about to claim that I'm Prudish Penelope, by any stretch of the imagination. But, the last few months have been a wake up call as to who I spend my time with. Female relationships are so important and I'm glad that I've had the experiences I have had. However, I'm even more glad that I decided enough was enough and surrounded myself with the ladies who fill my heart with laughter. Women who I know are supposed to be in my life, and I hope will always be. 

2. BOOKS. So many books. My living room currently looks like the inside of a Barnes & Noble and I am delighted. Coming home to a huge stack of books and a glass of wine, for me, is the absolute pinnacle of happiness. 

3. Netflix binges. This might be a weird bullet point, but hear me out. The last few months, being unemployed, have taken a toll on my psyche a bit. There are days where you almost just want to say 'screw it,' and move to a tent on the beach. Allowing myself a bit of escapism through Netflix, has been known to calm me the hell down and take me out of my mind a bit. After I FINALLY finished Friday Night Lights (Texas Forever), I'm now back to finishing The West Wing and starting Broadchurch, because if I'm not watching at least one British series at a time, I'm not living. 

4. My family. Which is such a given. 

5. Making lots of little things to look forward to. This is one is probably my favorite. Sometimes life just really kicks you in the behind, and you need something to get you through the day/week/month/or even your year. ;) (PS-- Not getting that reference results in an automatic loss of friendship). It's why I drag out watching shows on Netflix, like House of Cards or Orange is the New Black, so I have something to look forward to at the end of a crappy day. Life is already hard enough as it is, might as well make it as enjoyable as you can. Plus, knowing I have a dinner and drinks date or a new book to look forward to, makes me that much more productive, so I can enjoy it sooner.

6. Learning how to say no and standing up for myself has been the biggest lesson I've learned this year. It has allowed me to cut out the BS and really live the life I want for myself (look, I warned you at the beginning this would take a turn). In the immortal words of one Ms. Liz Lemon: 

Monday, February 9, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 6

In case you missed it, I did a surprise Sunday post last night! It's rare, but it happens. Today's challenge is "pet peeves." Dear baby Jesus, this could be 79 pages long. THERE ARE SO MANY. 

1-- Poor grammar. Look, with everything available at our fingertips these days with technology and what have you, there is NO EXCUSE for misspelled words, numbers in words, or any of that middle school girl BS. I don't understand people who just don't care to come off as uneducated idiots. How much time does it save you to cut down an already 3 letter word to one? I mean, are you kidding me? Jesus. You make me weep for humanity. And it's not necessarily people of my generation, it's people who are 20-30 years OLDER. I mean, COME ON. I just don't understand why people are so lax with their communications. And if you don't know how to spell a word? Let me introduce you to this wonderful website, it's called Google. Or It will even give you the definition! Also, definitely does NOT have an A and ridiculous does not have an E. Thank you and good day. I SAID GOOD DAY.

2-- People who use social media as a platform to proclaim their "love" for their significant other incessantly. I think it's wonderful that you have someone that makes you happy. That's wonderful! Good for you! Mazel. But, when you do nothing with your Facebook or Instagram or Myface except to fill it with posts about how "great and wonderful" your SO is, let me take this time to call you out on your BS. I don't know who you think you're kidding, but it's painfully obvious to everyone on your feed that something isn't right. People in healthy, functioning relationships don't parade their love around. Text messages exist for a reason. Take the work you're putting into making everyone THINK you're happy and use it to actually make yourself happy. In whatever capacity that entails.

3-- People who don't use their blinkers. Contrary to popular belief, I am not telepathic. I cannot read your mind. I know! Weird, right? So, it would be just a delight if you could remember that your blinker isn't there for decoration, but to let the people behind you know what you're doing, so they don't have to brake suddenly. 

4-- The constant barrage of "Why are you single?" questions. I am single because I WANT TO BE. Because I haven't met someone that has made me go "Huh, you're a game changer, dude." I don't tolerate bullshit. I did for a long time, because I didn't care enough about myself. My standards are quite high, and I don't apologize for that. Unless and until you can make me feel that my life would be enhanced by you being in it, I'm perfectly content with books, booze and my amazing lady friends. Society needs to stop making women feel terrible because they're not married by a certain age. I will settle down when I feel that it's the best thing for me. I do very much want that for myself one day; a husband, a family. But, I WILL NOT settle. So, shut your face and let me do me for now. 

Well, I think that's enough "peevish" Tara for today. :) What are some of your pet peeves, beauties? Please share! 

Happy Monday! 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 5

Excuse the jumping ahead, but I just didn't think I could get through an entire post about my favorite animals (elephants, if you must know). Which puts us at #5, fears. If you had posed this to me a year ago, the answer would probably be much different. While some of the fears are the same, a lot has changed. But, you will never get me over my fear of birds. THAT IS HERE FOR A LIFETIME. It even has a name, ornithophobia. Ugh. Screw you, birds. SCREW YOU. 

I used to be afraid of ending up alone, of never finding the great love of my life. Now, while a bit of that fear stills lays latent, it's more about never finding the person who loves me like I love me. The last few years have been such a wake up call as to the men who I surround myself with. Ugh, some men are THE WORST. I think what I'm actually most afraid of is settling. I'm terrified that I'm going to settle just because 30 is around the corner and I haven't married yet. I am legitimately terrified of waking up one morning 20 years from now, rolling over and having the thought. "Ugh, you? SERIOUSLY?" 

And believe me, I can tell that there is some super judgment coming from people who are already married. I can almost see it rolling off of them. It's not even necessarily people my age, but when I'm continually asked if I'm seeing someone and than get the almost non-distinct eye roll when my answer is negative, it takes a lot of my strength not to punch you. 

A lot of other things scare me: the thought of never being a mother, of never finding a job I love, never getting to see the world and travel, and if I do get to be a mother, of raising my kids in a culture that denies BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, just so many other things that would take pages and pages to fill up.

What are some of your fears, beauties? Fear of the unknown? Fear of flying? Fear of a world run by old white men who think they have any authority over your body? Fear of a post-Tina Fey/Amy Poehler Golden Globes hosting world? Share in the comments. We can get through this together. ;)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 3

Things I would do if I were brave? Oh man, do you have a year? I have a list a mile long of things I would do if I were braveR. I think the label of this particular challenge could have been worded a bit differently. Brave means different things to different people, and I think there have been plenty of times in my life where I've been brave, but had I been braveR? Now, that's a different story. 

Outside of the obvious jumping out of airplanes or swimming with sharks; if I were braver, I think the one thing I would want to do most is walk up to someone and tell them exactly how their treatment made me feel. I do have more than one person in mind, both males and females. I've never been one to lay my feelings out on the table if you've pissed me off or wronged me in some way. I tend to internalize and hold on to those emotions, later manifesting itself in a storm of anger/sadness. So for me to lay my cards on the table with someone, for me anyways, takes pretty much all the bravery I have. I have allowed people to talk to me or treat me in a way that is such utter BS. And the reason why, I think, is because I didn't love myself. I didn't realize everything I bring to the table. I don't need to be treated like queen of the world (just kidding, of course I do), but I do need to be treated with respect. Being able to feel like I can tell someone "look, that was really shitty and I don't appreciate being made to feel that way" is such a win for me. I want to scream it from the mountain tops. 

Bravery comes about in so many different ways. And it's something I've really worked on this last year. And the bravest I've ever felt was admitting, look, something is off balance here and putting myself on anxiety medication. I think, to the day I die, that will stand out as the bravest thing I've done. Because it shows me that I care about my mental well being more than the opinions of people who don't matter. 

Go forth and be brave, beauties! In whatever context you choose to do. You are wonderful human beings and I'm behind you 200%. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 2

Today's challenge is "things that complete my life." I could go on a multi paragraph post about my wonderful family and friends. I could go on and on about the books that get me through rough days or the glass of wine I always look forward to at the end of the day. But, in all honesty, there is only one thing that really 'completes my life,' whatever that means. And that's kindness. 

I have prided myself on being a kind person for a long time. Some days I fulfill that better than other days. You would know that if you were ever in a car with me (road rage for days, say what). I hesitate to sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but being an asshat will only get you so far in life. I admit that there are situations where you need to be a bit of a jerkface, but no one likes a Debbie Downer, so suck it up, buttercup. 

I'll be honest, a few months ago, a situation arose that had been weighing on my mind pretty heavily. I knew I needed to cut loose some people that weren't benefiting my life in a way that I needed or wanted. I went about it in the only way I knew how, which was to be totally honest. Anyone who knows me knows that it's pretty tough for me to tell you exactly what I'm thinking in a way that I feel is honest but kind. I've gotten better about it, for sure, but it's still something I work on daily. While I got absolutely no response from the person, I could go to bed that night with a clear mind. I did what I felt was right for me and I did it in the way I felt was right. You can't guess how people will react in any given situation, you can just do your best to be true to yourself (after school special, starring me, to come in 2016).

Since then, I've filled my life with people who don't make me feel like I have to be judgmental. People who I can be honest with and know that my honesty is respected. What completes my life is to be true to myself. To know that Tara is taking care of Tara, that's what matters.

Look, kindness never goes out of style. People will always be more receptive to those that come at them from a place of understanding and not hate. Obviously, not everyone loves each other, as I made clear a few paragraphs above. And not everyone should be in your life. But, if you can handle those situations with a kind heart and a bit of levity, then that's all that counts. Don't let the bastards get you down.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

So sorry for the lapse in posting, beauties. Sometimes the post ideas just won't come. However, I did a little digging around the web, and found a 30 day blog challenge. Hopefully this will get my booty in gear to write everyday and you can learn some more about this crazy lady, -- which lets face it, is what everyone clamors for. Right? Bueller? Bueller?

Some of these will be a bit difficult (especially the Bible verses), so I may tweak as I go on. Anywho, let's get on with it. Today's challenge is "Favorite Sounds." 

I think outside of the obvious, like rainfall and baby laughs, my absolute favorite sound is that of genuinely funny people. The jokes and stories that come from a live well lived. Not people who rely on terrible humor to get by in a conversation, but people who genuinely find humor even in the most mundane situations. While I do love a good dirty joke, I've never been a fan of people who can't hold their own in any given conversation, and have to turn to innuendo to make them feel like they're contributing. Don't get me wrong, innuendo is delightful at times, and I use it here and there. But, sometimes, you just want to have a genuine human conversation (as opposed to a wolf conversation? I don't know), and the humor that comes from every day life can often be the best way to do that.

Belly laughs, from a humor that can only come with close friends, is high on my list. Intelligent, beautiful conversations with like minded people, or even those who don't share your views but start a lively, educated debate are also in my top 10. This is such a random, throw it at the wall and see if it sticks post, but sometimes that's what you need. :) 

PS-- I hope you all heard the wonderful news about Harper Lee? My English major heart has nearly exploded!! A sequel to a beloved classic is in the works and I don't know how I'm supposed to wait until July.