Happy Tuesday, all! Life, man. Am I right? Sometimes it throws you some curve balls that while you may have been expecting them, still shock for a bit. Precarious times call for reflection and a look into how this will shape who you are and who you will become. This quote has stuck with me the last few days and I've even made it the background on my phone to remind myself that damn it, I'm a tough cookie. I know what I want and how I need to achieve it. Though sometimes, I still feel like this girl:
I think we all have those days from time to time. I've mentioned before that I'm contemplating turning this blog into a book, or somehow compiling a book of essays a la Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey. Who knows, it's just an idea, but an idea that has really taken hold the last month or so. Because, look.
I found this great challenge on Facebook the other day, about naming 3 people a day and telling them why they're your FB friend and what they mean to you. I thought it was such a great idea and am implementing it to realize how many wonderful people I have in my life, and though monetarily I am no Grace, Princess of Monaco, friend/family wise, I am rich as hell (Stitch that on a pillow!).
I know the last few posts have been life-based, but we'll start to get back to our traveling, lady friends and literature posts here very soon. Sometimes, girl just needs to vent.
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