Happy Monday! And more importantly, happy Opening Day! That's right, my most favorite season is back and I couldn't be happier about it! Doesn't today seem like the perfect day for baseball? I know our own home opener is still a week away, but today's weather and the fact that there will be a Cardinals game on TV, is just the best!
This time of year always makes me so happy! And I hope it brings happiness your way as well! Knock on wood, we're finally out of the woods in terms of winter weather and we can enjoy sunshine and warm temps!
Again, let me apologize for no post on Friday. I may not have one this Friday either, but no worries. We'll get into a groove here soon and I'll post on Fridays whenever I can. For now, it will just be a free for all.
Does anyone watch How I Met Your Mother? Will you be tuning in for tonight's series finale? Personally, I've always really enjoyed it and am looking forward to how they'll wrap up after 9 seasons. I may have to go back and binge watch to pick up on things I missed the first time. If you do watch, do you have a favorite episode? Favorite running gag? Let me know! I'd love to hear!
Credit: (The Nerdy Bomb)
As always, I hope you have a great start to your week and take the advice of that most wonderful person, Neil Patrick Harris. Or rather, his alter ego, Barney Stinson. Happy Monday!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursdays: Emma
Happy Thursday, you beautiful unicorns! Hope you've all made it to the end of the week intact, unfrazzled and with a bottle of wine to enjoy. It being Thursday, that means it's time for another My Patronus is a Bookworm installment! This week we're looking at Emma by Jane Austen. I'm currently on a classics kick, making my way through the books I either read too long ago and forgot about, or haven't read at all.
Emma was written in 1816, Austen's fourth novel and is considered by many to be her finest. I'm partial to Mr. Darcy and Pride and Prejudice, but that's an entry for another day. The heroine at the center of the novel is, of course, Emma Woodhouse. Emma is of the persuasion that she knows best for everyone and engages in the art of matchmaking for her friend, Harriet Smith. For me personally, the character of Emma is one that's hard to connect with. At 21, Emma is just 7 years younger than myself and she's a character I wish I could shake her shoulders and say "Get your shit together, girl!" A common phrase I'm sure in 19th century England.
While attempting to match Harriet with unsuitable suitors, Emma quickly realizes she understands the feelings of others about as well as she understands her own. Written with an irony and wit that surprised me, the language and story itself is really quite good. And that Mr. Knightley? ME-OW. Mr.Knightley is not one to fawn over Emma and tell her what she wants to hear, he tells her what she NEEDS to hear. Whether she listens is up to her. And I think you all see where it's going. SPOILER ALERT.
Happy almost Friday :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Ladyfriend Wednesday: Tina Fey
Credit: (Pinterest)
Happy Wednesday! You've almost made it through another week, just two more days to go! :) Welcome to another installment of Ladyfriend Wednesdays! Obviously by starting off with Amy Poehler, you knew her BFF couldn't be far behind! Tina Fey is all of us, you guys. SHE IS THE BEST. I cannot tell you how many times I've come back to re-read Bossypants, her hilarious, best-selling book, when I needed a laugh. I'm telling you, her book is the only book in the world that has made me laugh so hard I'm in tears. If you haven't read it, what the hell are you waiting for?
Credit: (Pinterest)
There is not enough space in this post for me to put all of the quotes that have given me such pure joy from Tina, or her delightful alter-ego, Liz Lemon. Seriously, I binge watched all 7 seasons of 30 Rock this winter and it may have been the best decision of my life.There's a part of me that feels I AM Liz Lemon. Except for, you know, not living in New York or working on a sketch comedy show. OTHERWISE, MY SPIRIT ANIMAL.
I cannot have a post about Tina, without mentioning her BFF and truly beautiful unicorn, Amy Poehler. The last two broadcasts of the Golden Globes have convinced me that I want them to host everything from now on; to book clubs, their own variety show, and even my trips to the grocery store. These women are fierce, intelligent, hilarious beings who I think rock the hell out of everything. And with Amy coming out with a book this fall, I hope you know, I will talk of nothing else. EVER AGAIN.
I want to leave you with this, my most favorite Tina and Amy moment. It is magical, it is the God's honest truth, and it's the way we reclaim the word.
OWN THE HELL OUT OF IT. Cheers to you!
Happy Wednesday! You've almost made it through another week, just two more days to go! :) Welcome to another installment of Ladyfriend Wednesdays! Obviously by starting off with Amy Poehler, you knew her BFF couldn't be far behind! Tina Fey is all of us, you guys. SHE IS THE BEST. I cannot tell you how many times I've come back to re-read Bossypants, her hilarious, best-selling book, when I needed a laugh. I'm telling you, her book is the only book in the world that has made me laugh so hard I'm in tears. If you haven't read it, what the hell are you waiting for?
Credit: (Pinterest)
There is not enough space in this post for me to put all of the quotes that have given me such pure joy from Tina, or her delightful alter-ego, Liz Lemon. Seriously, I binge watched all 7 seasons of 30 Rock this winter and it may have been the best decision of my life.There's a part of me that feels I AM Liz Lemon. Except for, you know, not living in New York or working on a sketch comedy show. OTHERWISE, MY SPIRIT ANIMAL.
I cannot have a post about Tina, without mentioning her BFF and truly beautiful unicorn, Amy Poehler. The last two broadcasts of the Golden Globes have convinced me that I want them to host everything from now on; to book clubs, their own variety show, and even my trips to the grocery store. These women are fierce, intelligent, hilarious beings who I think rock the hell out of everything. And with Amy coming out with a book this fall, I hope you know, I will talk of nothing else. EVER AGAIN.
I want to leave you with this, my most favorite Tina and Amy moment. It is magical, it is the God's honest truth, and it's the way we reclaim the word.
OWN THE HELL OUT OF IT. Cheers to you!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Travel Tuesday: Santorini, Greece
Credit: (Pinterest)
Happy Tuesday, you beautiful, tropical fish! It's time for another installment of Travel Tuesdays! This time, we're heading to Santorini in Greece, because.....well, you see the above picture, right? An island in the south Aegean Sea, Santorini has become top on my list of honeymoon destinations (because clearly, that's a decision I'll be making soon). Not only does it grab my attention for the crystalline waters, but for the fact that essentially, it's the remnants of a huge volcanic explosion that destroyed the island's earliest settlements.
Credit: (Pinterest)
Waking up to this view in the mornings? I'm not mad at it. The calmness and serenity of the island is also what draws me in. Completely cutting yourself off from any and all technology for days on end is so incredibly appealing to me, I cannot even begin to describe it. The sunsets alone are worth the trip. I mean, COME ON, YOU GUYS.
Credit: (Pinterest)
That's everyone's happy place, right? If not, now it should be. :) Go pour yourself a glass of wine and pretend you're on the Greek beaches. You deserve it!
Happy Tuesday, you beautiful, tropical fish! It's time for another installment of Travel Tuesdays! This time, we're heading to Santorini in Greece, because.....well, you see the above picture, right? An island in the south Aegean Sea, Santorini has become top on my list of honeymoon destinations (because clearly, that's a decision I'll be making soon). Not only does it grab my attention for the crystalline waters, but for the fact that essentially, it's the remnants of a huge volcanic explosion that destroyed the island's earliest settlements.
Credit: (Pinterest)
Waking up to this view in the mornings? I'm not mad at it. The calmness and serenity of the island is also what draws me in. Completely cutting yourself off from any and all technology for days on end is so incredibly appealing to me, I cannot even begin to describe it. The sunsets alone are worth the trip. I mean, COME ON, YOU GUYS.
Credit: (Pinterest)
That's everyone's happy place, right? If not, now it should be. :) Go pour yourself a glass of wine and pretend you're on the Greek beaches. You deserve it!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Movie Monday: Frances Ha
Happy Monday! You've made it! :) I'm not sure that every Monday will be movie-based, so bear with me. Now, if you remember, I spoke last week about a movie I had seen that brought up so many questions. That movie was Frances Ha. The questions that it brought about were not questions of any sort of negativity toward the movie itself. I found the movie to be so wonderful and relatable and I cannot recommend it enough. The questions that it brought about stemmed from the one damn question Netflix insisted on asking me after the movie was over: "Do you prefer movies with a strong female lead?"
Alright, I'm about to go off on a very feminist rant (because they're kind of my thing). So, if you don't enjoy that, I'd suggest stopping here. Look, Netflix and every other entity in the free world, it is 2014. 14 YEARS INTO THE 21ST CENTURY. When will movies, books, art, etc. stop being described with any kind of feminine connotation and just be about the work itself? After a Bruce Willis movie, you're not asked "Do you prefer movies with a strong, bald white man in a lead role?" I am so baffled by reviews that I read that insist on describing women's work with as much feminine verbiage as you can shake a stick at. Can you not just describe a work of art/literature/music as being whatever adjective you so choose without basically screaming to the world that it was done by a woman? If you wrote a great book, you wrote a great book. Who cares if you have a vagina? Which brings me to another point. Can we all stop being scared of the word vagina? That's what it's called. Deal with it. You're a grown up.
I hope to one day live in a world, and raise my daughters in a world, where the merit of a work is not based on gender at all. HUZZAH! How wonderful would that be? I want to be able to look at a work of art, read a book, what have you, without the artist's gender thrown in my face. If I feel a genuine connection to your work, that's all that matters to me. And should be all that matters to anyone. Don't let your sons feel ashamed for liking something that may be predominately seen as "feminine." I was reading this incredibly interesting article the other day about YA novels and how, because of the cover design, boys are being taught to steer clear of them. Who gives a damn about the cover? If you want to read it, READ IT. Literature is something so deep and close to my soul, that I cannot imagine picking over something because it seemed "too masculine." Honestly, that's such shit. I would be more concerned with raising my sons to be polite, well-mannered, intelligent, productive members of society.
Annnnnd, that was quite the tangent I just went off on. Clearly, the title of this post is also a bit misleading. Oops. Sometimes a good feminist rant is just needed. Tomorrow we'll be back to more lighthearted fare :)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Free For All Friday
Like I mentioned earlier, this has BEEN A WEEK, you guys. Sometimes, being a grown up just doesn't work for me. Then, I pour myself some whiskey and tell myself to get over it. Because I'm so exhausted, if I make it to 9 PM it will be a miracle, I leave you to start your weekend with this glorious photo of Branson himself, Allan Leech. Is he not the most adorable Irishman you've ever seen? YOU ARE WELCOME.
Also, if you don't watch Downton Abbey, hopefully this picture makes you start. BECAUSE IT'S GOOD TV, MAN. Sorry, I'm yelling. British period dramas are just my jam.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursday: The Book Thief
I actually read The Book Thief a few months ago, but had to come back to it as it has made its way permanently onto my list of favorites. As an avid and voracious reader myself, I knew before I started reading, that this book would quickly be one that I came back to time and again. And usually for me, that's hard for a book to do. I have very few that I will continually come back to (Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter) but this book is special. I felt a kinship to Liesel Meminger that I hadn't felt with a main character in a long time. Granted, I did not grow up in World War II era Germany, but as Liesel stood in the library, running her fingers over the spines of books, I couldn't help but feel connected to her in a way.
The book is written in such a hauntingly beautiful way that it's hard to put down. Not only are the characters written in such a way that you can imagine them as if they were standing in front of you, the story just seems to leap off the page and transport you to 1940. I had a hard time reading some parts, as I imagine most people did, to think of what life must have been like then. While fictitious, it's still an eye opening and absorbing look into a world none of us can even imagine comprehending.
It's also a huge reason why I'm hesitant to see movie versions of books and why I have yet to see this one. In my imagination, I have concocted such a vivid world, that if it doesn't match up onscreen, I don't want the book to therefore become less important to me. Though it's rare that that happens and I tend to be quite pleased, I still haven't forgiven The Great Gatsby, and that's going to take some time to heal, Baz Luhrmann. I mean, Jesus. We may be in a fight for a long time, sir.
If you have yet to read The Book Thief, if it's on your list of to-reads (everyone has those, right? Bueller? Bueller?), do yourself a favor and start it as soon as possible. You won't regret it. It's a book that will have you recommending it to everyone you've ever met and also to people you've never met. I very nearly said to someone in the bookstore who had a copy, "BUY IT. READ IT. LOVE IT." I get very intense when I talk about books, obviously.
Happy first day of Spring! Hope you were able to get out and enjoy it! :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Lady Friend Wednesday: Emma Thompson
I think we can all agree that Emma Thompson is all of our spirit animals. She is all of us. And that is why she's this week's Lady Friend. Don't you want to sit down with her, have a glass of whiskey and talk about Alan Rickman? Just me? Mmmk. From Sense and Sensibility to Love Actually, there has never been anything she has done that I haven't loved. And her award show circuit this year was just the best. Tossing her high heels while clutching a glass of booze? A lady that knows the way to my heart.
You can't lie to me and tell me that picture wasn't your profile picture for the month of January. Not only does her body of work speak volumes, so does the fact that she takes no shit and apologizes to no one. Part humor, humanitarian, feminist and booze. ALL AWESOME. And she photobombs like a boss.
(Credit: Pinterest)
Now, go kick off your heels and have a martini.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Travel Tuesday: Paris? Mais Oui!
(Credit: Pinterest)
This picture fills me with such immense happiness, I cannot even begin to tell you. If I could, I would go wander the streets of Paris for days, weeks, months on end. I know that I, as well as many other people, tend to romanticize this most lovely of European cities, but how can you not? Just imagining a day spent drinking wine, eating bread and cheese while wandering around the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, is enough to make my heart beat out of it's wanderlusting chest. (Not a word, but I just made it one. DEAL.)
(Credit: Pinterest)
In the wise words of that most wonderful of human beings, Audrey, Paris is always a good idea. I cannot imagine I won't visit it one day. I cannot imagine that I won't walk its streets, tour its museums, eat its breads/cheeses/pastries. It's beckoning to me in a way that I almost cannot ignore. "Tara, come to me. I've got cheap wine and the Mona Lisa." While I've talked to many people that have told me Paris isn't all it's cracked up to be, I choose not to believe them. And maybe, one day when I do visit there, I'll find that it's not what I expected it to be. Though, that's incredibly unlikely. Isn't it odd that a place you've never been already has your heart? It makes me think of that quote from Carson McCullers that is one of my absolute favorites:
" We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often is not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known."
Is that not just one of the most beautiful quotes you've ever heard in your life? There is something so poetic and beautiful about it that it stops me in my tracks every time I hear it.
Is Paris on your list of places to go? If it's not, we're no longer friends. Just kidding :) But seriously, you need to sort out your priorities. Happy almost Spring!
This picture fills me with such immense happiness, I cannot even begin to tell you. If I could, I would go wander the streets of Paris for days, weeks, months on end. I know that I, as well as many other people, tend to romanticize this most lovely of European cities, but how can you not? Just imagining a day spent drinking wine, eating bread and cheese while wandering around the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, is enough to make my heart beat out of it's wanderlusting chest. (Not a word, but I just made it one. DEAL.)
(Credit: Pinterest)
In the wise words of that most wonderful of human beings, Audrey, Paris is always a good idea. I cannot imagine I won't visit it one day. I cannot imagine that I won't walk its streets, tour its museums, eat its breads/cheeses/pastries. It's beckoning to me in a way that I almost cannot ignore. "Tara, come to me. I've got cheap wine and the Mona Lisa." While I've talked to many people that have told me Paris isn't all it's cracked up to be, I choose not to believe them. And maybe, one day when I do visit there, I'll find that it's not what I expected it to be. Though, that's incredibly unlikely. Isn't it odd that a place you've never been already has your heart? It makes me think of that quote from Carson McCullers that is one of my absolute favorites:
" We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often is not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known."
Is that not just one of the most beautiful quotes you've ever heard in your life? There is something so poetic and beautiful about it that it stops me in my tracks every time I hear it.
Is Paris on your list of places to go? If it's not, we're no longer friends. Just kidding :) But seriously, you need to sort out your priorities. Happy almost Spring!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
(Credit: Pinterest)
Hoping everyone is having a great St. Patrick's Day and maybe imbibing a little bit of that green beer. It's dark under the house, as my family is fond of saying. :) Sorry for no post on Friday, life has been a bit hectic lately. But, I'm back in gear this week and can't wait to get to it. Thinking about making Mondays, Movie Mondays, as I watched a really great movie yesterday that brought up a whole plethora of questions that I'm dying to know your answers to. If I feel up to it, I'll post it tonight, otherwise, look for it next Monday!
While the weather is a bit chilly still, we've got that sunshine! And it will officially be Spring this week! Isn't that the greatest sentence you've ever read? After this brutal winter, we can all use a little 'spring' in our step :) Look, I just really love puns all right?
Enjoy the rest of your St. Patrick's Day, hope you don't get pinched!
Hoping everyone is having a great St. Patrick's Day and maybe imbibing a little bit of that green beer. It's dark under the house, as my family is fond of saying. :) Sorry for no post on Friday, life has been a bit hectic lately. But, I'm back in gear this week and can't wait to get to it. Thinking about making Mondays, Movie Mondays, as I watched a really great movie yesterday that brought up a whole plethora of questions that I'm dying to know your answers to. If I feel up to it, I'll post it tonight, otherwise, look for it next Monday!
While the weather is a bit chilly still, we've got that sunshine! And it will officially be Spring this week! Isn't that the greatest sentence you've ever read? After this brutal winter, we can all use a little 'spring' in our step :) Look, I just really love puns all right?
Enjoy the rest of your St. Patrick's Day, hope you don't get pinched!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursdays
(Credit: Instagram)
As anyone who knows me well knows, I am a voracious reader. Have been since I was a little girl. I learned to read at 2 years old (yes, you read that correctly) from my maternal grandmother. If I'm not working, chances are I'm reading. If I could be paid to read for a living, I would jump at the chance. I love it so much that when people tell me they're not big readers, I look at them as if they've told me they don't like puppies. WHAAAAT? But, how could you not like to read? Letting your imagination create these vivid worlds away from the stresses and banality of everyday life is one of the greatest pleasures in life. I cannot even make it a full 24 hours after finishing one book before starting another. Therefore, Thursdays around here will be dedicated to life's literary pursuits.
Today, we'll start with Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. I'm currently nearly halfway through the book after more than a month, which usually means I don't find the book particularly engaging. But, in this case that couldn't be further from the truth. Life has just gotten in the way lately. Set in Italy in the 1960's, Beautiful Ruins tells the story of Italian innkeeper, Pasquale and the way his life intertwines with the stories of characters in contemporary Los Angeles. It's written in a way that is so lyrically beautiful, you wonder how it is possible no one has made this particular string of words fit together before. I encourage all who have yet to read it, to put it on their lists immediately. It particularly resonates with me at the current moment for the message it sends about clinging to your dreams while doing what is necessary to live life.
And I hope if you do pick this book up, that it effects you in the way it has effected me. The way that all good literature should. I've always felt that if you can't go back and pick the book up again and be reminded of a familiar world, what's the point?
What are your favorite books? Do you have one? Isn't it odd that as an English major, I don't really have one particular favorite? To me it's like picking your favorite child. I JUST CAN'T DO IT, ALRIGHT?
As anyone who knows me well knows, I am a voracious reader. Have been since I was a little girl. I learned to read at 2 years old (yes, you read that correctly) from my maternal grandmother. If I'm not working, chances are I'm reading. If I could be paid to read for a living, I would jump at the chance. I love it so much that when people tell me they're not big readers, I look at them as if they've told me they don't like puppies. WHAAAAT? But, how could you not like to read? Letting your imagination create these vivid worlds away from the stresses and banality of everyday life is one of the greatest pleasures in life. I cannot even make it a full 24 hours after finishing one book before starting another. Therefore, Thursdays around here will be dedicated to life's literary pursuits.
Today, we'll start with Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. I'm currently nearly halfway through the book after more than a month, which usually means I don't find the book particularly engaging. But, in this case that couldn't be further from the truth. Life has just gotten in the way lately. Set in Italy in the 1960's, Beautiful Ruins tells the story of Italian innkeeper, Pasquale and the way his life intertwines with the stories of characters in contemporary Los Angeles. It's written in a way that is so lyrically beautiful, you wonder how it is possible no one has made this particular string of words fit together before. I encourage all who have yet to read it, to put it on their lists immediately. It particularly resonates with me at the current moment for the message it sends about clinging to your dreams while doing what is necessary to live life.
And I hope if you do pick this book up, that it effects you in the way it has effected me. The way that all good literature should. I've always felt that if you can't go back and pick the book up again and be reminded of a familiar world, what's the point?
What are your favorite books? Do you have one? Isn't it odd that as an English major, I don't really have one particular favorite? To me it's like picking your favorite child. I JUST CAN'T DO IT, ALRIGHT?
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Ladyfriend Wednesday - Amy Poehler
(Credit: Pinterest)
A lot of people across the Internet designate Wednesdays as WCW- Woman Crush Wednesdays. To me, honestly, I find the phrase a bit ridiculous. If I have a crush on you, I have a crush on you. No need to put "girl crush!" in front of it. It's a bit lame to me. If you're a headstrong, fierce, funny and compassionate person- guess what? I probably really dig you. So, Wednesdays around here will be known as Ladyfriend Wednesdays. Ladyfriend is the term I use to describe my best girlfriends. I cannot tell you how many girlfriends are in my phone under "Ladyfriend!" It's a fun term to me, and creeps me out much less than "Woman Crush." Ladies who I think are just the most wonderful people and who I would drink a whiskey and talk about life with.
And who better to start this off with than Amy Poehler? Not only is she currently writing a book, starring in a network TV show, raising two sons, and just in general being the best friend we all want, she's relatable. She runs a wonderful, empowering site called Smart Girls at the Party, encouraging women and girls of all ages to be there best selves. She's just a real badass. And she gets to make out with Adam Scott on a regular basis.
I'm immediately drawn to anyone that is vociferous on behalf of the rights of women. Anyone that thinks it's absolute bullshit that it's 2014 and we're still having these debates. She's not afraid of the word 'feminist,' and all that it entails. NO ONE should be afraid of that word. OWN IT. Play to your strengths. And live by Amy's words: If a guy says something that's not funny, don't laugh. Stop dumbing yourself down to impress a dude. Because the right guy will think you're the bomb dot com. (People are still using that phrase, right?)
So, do me a favor. If you're not that familiar with Amy outside of Parks & Recreation or Baby Mama, Google her. Watch her speeches at events honoring other women, speaking with humor and grace about the planet's most badass inhabitants. The world needs more Amy Poehlers.
A lot of people across the Internet designate Wednesdays as WCW- Woman Crush Wednesdays. To me, honestly, I find the phrase a bit ridiculous. If I have a crush on you, I have a crush on you. No need to put "girl crush!" in front of it. It's a bit lame to me. If you're a headstrong, fierce, funny and compassionate person- guess what? I probably really dig you. So, Wednesdays around here will be known as Ladyfriend Wednesdays. Ladyfriend is the term I use to describe my best girlfriends. I cannot tell you how many girlfriends are in my phone under "Ladyfriend!" It's a fun term to me, and creeps me out much less than "Woman Crush." Ladies who I think are just the most wonderful people and who I would drink a whiskey and talk about life with.
And who better to start this off with than Amy Poehler? Not only is she currently writing a book, starring in a network TV show, raising two sons, and just in general being the best friend we all want, she's relatable. She runs a wonderful, empowering site called Smart Girls at the Party, encouraging women and girls of all ages to be there best selves. She's just a real badass. And she gets to make out with Adam Scott on a regular basis.
I'm immediately drawn to anyone that is vociferous on behalf of the rights of women. Anyone that thinks it's absolute bullshit that it's 2014 and we're still having these debates. She's not afraid of the word 'feminist,' and all that it entails. NO ONE should be afraid of that word. OWN IT. Play to your strengths. And live by Amy's words: If a guy says something that's not funny, don't laugh. Stop dumbing yourself down to impress a dude. Because the right guy will think you're the bomb dot com. (People are still using that phrase, right?)
So, do me a favor. If you're not that familiar with Amy outside of Parks & Recreation or Baby Mama, Google her. Watch her speeches at events honoring other women, speaking with humor and grace about the planet's most badass inhabitants. The world needs more Amy Poehlers.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Travel Tuesday
(Credit: Etsy)
Two posts in one day! How lucky are you?
I want to get into a groove with this blog, and I'm hoping to do that by designating days for things that make me happy: travel, books, strong, fierce women. Today is the inaugural post introducing Travel Tuesdays! I have a severe case of wanderlust. I would live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see this great, big world.
To kick off Travel Tuesdays, I'm starting with an obsession that's grown in recent months. London, England. I mean....COME ON. How can you not be full of happiness when thinking of a country that has given us Harry Potter, Emma Thompson, Kate Middleton's hair and Downton Abbey? You can't. And if you can, you need to sort out your priorities as a human being.
(Credit: Pinterest)
Please tell me I am not the only one who swoons when they see this picture? I cannot, for the life of me, pinpoint exactly what it is that draws me across the pond. All I can tell you is that there's a calling deep inside that cannot be ignored. It's almost as if it's fated. Does that make me sound like I should be teaching Divination? I'm cool with that. I will see you one day, London. I will walk your streets, swoon over your men, stand in fascination at Big Ben and King's Cross. I'm as sure of it as I am of my own name.
What's top on your travel bucket list? I'd love to hear!
Two posts in one day! How lucky are you?
I want to get into a groove with this blog, and I'm hoping to do that by designating days for things that make me happy: travel, books, strong, fierce women. Today is the inaugural post introducing Travel Tuesdays! I have a severe case of wanderlust. I would live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see this great, big world.
To kick off Travel Tuesdays, I'm starting with an obsession that's grown in recent months. London, England. I mean....COME ON. How can you not be full of happiness when thinking of a country that has given us Harry Potter, Emma Thompson, Kate Middleton's hair and Downton Abbey? You can't. And if you can, you need to sort out your priorities as a human being.
(Credit: Pinterest)
Please tell me I am not the only one who swoons when they see this picture? I cannot, for the life of me, pinpoint exactly what it is that draws me across the pond. All I can tell you is that there's a calling deep inside that cannot be ignored. It's almost as if it's fated. Does that make me sound like I should be teaching Divination? I'm cool with that. I will see you one day, London. I will walk your streets, swoon over your men, stand in fascination at Big Ben and King's Cross. I'm as sure of it as I am of my own name.
What's top on your travel bucket list? I'd love to hear!
All Days End In Wine
A few years ago, you would never have gotten me to believe that I would be someone that came home to a glass of wine. It was just something I drank minimally, at dinners. And even then, only a sip or two. Now, when I come home to a near empty bottle, you would think the worst has happened. I make actual "NOOOOOO, SERIOUSLY" sounds. It's ridiculous. Because after days like today, when you listened to your gut and stayed true to yourself, it's nice to come home and bask in that happiness.
As I said yesterday, people pleasing tends to be my go to default mechanism. It doesn't matter if it makes me feel like shit, if it makes someone else happy, then yes! Look, Freud could have a field day with me, I know. And I'm working on it. Baby steps! And today, I took that first baby step! I said goodbye to something that wasn't good for me anymore. After nearly pulling my hair out all day and causing an unnecessary amount of anxiety, how did it end? Exactly how deep down, I knew it would. Absolutely wonderfully. Why do I put these pressures on myself? Why do I cause all of these ridiculous scenarios? I know, in my heart of hearts, people respect you more if you just say, "Look, fool. I'm out." Obviously, in a more proper and succinct way, but you're picking up what I'm putting down.
Today was a big step for me. And right now, that's all I'm asking of myself. To take those small steps. You don't have to do these grand, tremendous gestures. You just have to do what's right for you. And drink that glass of wine. :)
A few years ago, you would never have gotten me to believe that I would be someone that came home to a glass of wine. It was just something I drank minimally, at dinners. And even then, only a sip or two. Now, when I come home to a near empty bottle, you would think the worst has happened. I make actual "NOOOOOO, SERIOUSLY" sounds. It's ridiculous. Because after days like today, when you listened to your gut and stayed true to yourself, it's nice to come home and bask in that happiness.
As I said yesterday, people pleasing tends to be my go to default mechanism. It doesn't matter if it makes me feel like shit, if it makes someone else happy, then yes! Look, Freud could have a field day with me, I know. And I'm working on it. Baby steps! And today, I took that first baby step! I said goodbye to something that wasn't good for me anymore. After nearly pulling my hair out all day and causing an unnecessary amount of anxiety, how did it end? Exactly how deep down, I knew it would. Absolutely wonderfully. Why do I put these pressures on myself? Why do I cause all of these ridiculous scenarios? I know, in my heart of hearts, people respect you more if you just say, "Look, fool. I'm out." Obviously, in a more proper and succinct way, but you're picking up what I'm putting down.
Today was a big step for me. And right now, that's all I'm asking of myself. To take those small steps. You don't have to do these grand, tremendous gestures. You just have to do what's right for you. And drink that glass of wine. :)
Monday, March 10, 2014
You Do You.
(Credit: Society6)
How many times a day do you hear that phrase? Do you say it to yourself? Do you roll your eyes at the eight letters? I used to be an eye roller of this phrase myself. Thought it couldn't be more ridiculous. And then I really thought about what it meant. 3 words that actually carry a lot of weight. That carries the message what's most important is YOU. Can I tell you that's a lesson I'm still learning? I'm still learning that it's okay to say no if I want to. It's okay to think something is cool that other people might constitute as lame or ridiculous.
I tend to be a people pleaser. I don't want to upset anyone, step on anyone's toes. But, how does that help me, in the long run, become the best version of myself? It doesn't. Saying yes when I really want to say no, putting on my fake smile when all I really want to say is "JESUS. YOU AGAIN?" and give you my best Liz Lemon eye roll, isn't helping anyone. Much less my poor eyes. The last few months have taught me that it's best to do what's right for ME. Not for my friends, not for my professional life, but what's right for Tara. It has become the mantra which I repeat to myself every morning and every evening. When I feel like people will be mad or I'll upset someone with my opinions/thoughts/words, every time I decide not to act upon that is a disservice not only to myself but to them. Because, I'm not being honest with you. Or me.
Tomorrow I'm taking that first step into doing what's best for me. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I know I'll sleep better because I listened to my gut. My soul. Me.
And I'll leave you with another favorite 3 word, 8 letter phrase that I think isn't used enough: I love you. Seriously, if you are taking the time out of your day to read my words then I just love you.
How many times a day do you hear that phrase? Do you say it to yourself? Do you roll your eyes at the eight letters? I used to be an eye roller of this phrase myself. Thought it couldn't be more ridiculous. And then I really thought about what it meant. 3 words that actually carry a lot of weight. That carries the message what's most important is YOU. Can I tell you that's a lesson I'm still learning? I'm still learning that it's okay to say no if I want to. It's okay to think something is cool that other people might constitute as lame or ridiculous.
I tend to be a people pleaser. I don't want to upset anyone, step on anyone's toes. But, how does that help me, in the long run, become the best version of myself? It doesn't. Saying yes when I really want to say no, putting on my fake smile when all I really want to say is "JESUS. YOU AGAIN?" and give you my best Liz Lemon eye roll, isn't helping anyone. Much less my poor eyes. The last few months have taught me that it's best to do what's right for ME. Not for my friends, not for my professional life, but what's right for Tara. It has become the mantra which I repeat to myself every morning and every evening. When I feel like people will be mad or I'll upset someone with my opinions/thoughts/words, every time I decide not to act upon that is a disservice not only to myself but to them. Because, I'm not being honest with you. Or me.
Tomorrow I'm taking that first step into doing what's best for me. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I know I'll sleep better because I listened to my gut. My soul. Me.
And I'll leave you with another favorite 3 word, 8 letter phrase that I think isn't used enough: I love you. Seriously, if you are taking the time out of your day to read my words then I just love you.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Happy International Women's Day!
(credit: Twitter of President Obama)
Normally, you won't find me posting on the weekends. I use that time to binge watch TV shows I've yet to catch up on, reading, seeing family and taking a chill pill. Today, however, is a different story. Today is International Women's Day. While I personally think every day is Women's Day, March 8th is the international recognition of the planet's most bad ass inhabitants. The month of March itself is Women's History Month. As a Women Studies minor in college and as a lady who has been lucky as hell to be surrounded by feisty, strong and intelligent women my whole life, I cannot tell you how important the recognition of women is.
Most people around the world will let this day, maybe even this month pass with only a slight nod to history. A obligatory head nod to the fights and struggles of the women who came before us and the women who are still fighting and struggling now for the rights of women. Because honestly, it's shameful that 14 years into the 21st century, I would still make less money for doing the same work as a man. ABSURD. I wanted to use today as way for all of us to not only recognize the great women in our own lives, but the women who are continuing to raise their voices and be heard. Celebrate the wonderfulness of women ALL YEAR ROUND and maybe take the time to read up on Malala Yousafzai, Susan B. Anthony, Sally Ride, Lily Ledbetter, Hilary Clinton, and so much more. There will be a quiz later.
Every Day is Women's Day (Follow this link to the official website for International Women's Day and educate yourself) Channel your inner Leslie Knope today and every day!
Normally, you won't find me posting on the weekends. I use that time to binge watch TV shows I've yet to catch up on, reading, seeing family and taking a chill pill. Today, however, is a different story. Today is International Women's Day. While I personally think every day is Women's Day, March 8th is the international recognition of the planet's most bad ass inhabitants. The month of March itself is Women's History Month. As a Women Studies minor in college and as a lady who has been lucky as hell to be surrounded by feisty, strong and intelligent women my whole life, I cannot tell you how important the recognition of women is.
Most people around the world will let this day, maybe even this month pass with only a slight nod to history. A obligatory head nod to the fights and struggles of the women who came before us and the women who are still fighting and struggling now for the rights of women. Because honestly, it's shameful that 14 years into the 21st century, I would still make less money for doing the same work as a man. ABSURD. I wanted to use today as way for all of us to not only recognize the great women in our own lives, but the women who are continuing to raise their voices and be heard. Celebrate the wonderfulness of women ALL YEAR ROUND and maybe take the time to read up on Malala Yousafzai, Susan B. Anthony, Sally Ride, Lily Ledbetter, Hilary Clinton, and so much more. There will be a quiz later.
Every Day is Women's Day (Follow this link to the official website for International Women's Day and educate yourself) Channel your inner Leslie Knope today and every day!
Friday, March 7, 2014
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(credit: Pinterest ) |
I am so excited to finally launch what I've been talking about for weeks! Welcome to The Delightful Diaries! The name of the blog comes from my favorite word. I use it to describe everything; the weather, my favorite whiskey cocktail, Amy Poehler. It's such a happy word, with such wonderful connotations. One can only smile upon hearing it, hence...The Delightful Diaries!
I'm hoping you will come to love this space as much as I do. As the name of the blog suggests, this corner of the Internet will be home only to happy and positive things, highlighting my favorite books, art, music, inspirational and bad ass women, etc. And while we all have our no good, terrible, very bad days, I think I'll continue to stick to pen and paper for those. People I haven't spoken to since sixth grade don't need to know I'm in a terrible mood because the store was out of wine or work wasn't great. Negative Nancy's and negative energy have no place here. It's good vibes all around. Alright, alright, alright. (Everyone should end their work week with a little McConaughey).
As always, you can find me via social media. Because it's 2014, and that's just how I roll.
Enjoy your weekend and this spurt of delightful weather. See what I did there. ;)
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