Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursday: The Book Thief

I actually read The Book Thief a few months ago, but had to come back to it as it has made its way permanently onto my list of favorites. As an avid and voracious reader myself, I knew before I started reading, that this book would quickly be one that I came back to time and again. And usually for me, that's hard for a book to do. I have very few that I will continually come back to (Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter) but this book is special. I felt a kinship to Liesel Meminger that I hadn't felt with a main character in a long time. Granted, I did not grow up in World War II era Germany, but as Liesel stood in the library, running her fingers over the spines of books, I couldn't help but feel connected to her in a way.

The book is written in such a hauntingly beautiful way that it's hard to put down. Not only are the characters written in such a way that you can imagine them as if they were standing in front of you, the story just seems to leap off the page and transport you to 1940. I had a hard time reading some parts, as I imagine most people did, to think of what life must have been like then. While fictitious, it's still an eye opening and absorbing look into a world none of us can even imagine comprehending.

It's also a huge reason why I'm hesitant to see movie versions of books and why I have yet to see this one. In my imagination, I have concocted such a vivid world, that if it doesn't match up onscreen, I don't want the book to therefore become less important to me. Though it's rare that that happens and I tend to be quite pleased, I still haven't forgiven The Great Gatsby, and that's going to take some time to heal, Baz Luhrmann. I mean, Jesus. We may be in a fight for a long time, sir.

If you have yet to read The Book Thief, if it's on your list of to-reads (everyone has those, right? Bueller? Bueller?), do yourself a favor and start it as soon as possible. You won't regret it. It's a book that will have you recommending it to everyone you've ever met and also to people you've never met. I very nearly said to someone in the bookstore who had a copy, "BUY IT. READ IT. LOVE IT." I get very intense when I talk about books, obviously.

Happy first day of Spring! Hope you were able to get out and enjoy it! :)


  1. This book can be found on "Abi Kerkhoff's Top 10 Books You Need To Read, Seriously.

    *Harry Potter Series is dedicated to one spot.

    1. Agreed, ma'am. I almost want to go up to people I've never met and ask if they've read it.

      After I finish the couple of books I've got on my nightstand, I think I'll reread HP. BECAUSE I CAN.

  2. I've found that if I have the ability, I like to see the movie first, then read the book. But sometimes, I love a book SO much, that I want to see the movie and I enjoy determining differences. Examples are the Lord of the Rings movies, as well as the Game of Thrones franchise. But I understand, reading a book first usually leads to disappointment after seeing the big screen rendition. :(
