Monday, March 10, 2014

You Do You.

                                                     (Credit: Society6)

How many times a day do you hear that phrase? Do you say it to yourself? Do you roll your eyes at the eight letters? I used to be an eye roller of this phrase myself. Thought it couldn't be more ridiculous. And then I really thought about what it meant. 3 words that actually carry a lot of weight. That carries the message what's most important is YOU. Can I tell you that's a lesson I'm still learning? I'm still learning that it's okay to say no if I want to. It's okay to think something is cool that other people might constitute as lame or ridiculous.

I tend to be a people pleaser. I don't want to upset anyone, step on anyone's toes. But, how does that help me, in the long run, become the best version of myself? It doesn't. Saying yes when I really want to say no, putting on my fake smile when all I really want to say is "JESUS. YOU AGAIN?" and give you my best Liz Lemon eye roll, isn't helping anyone. Much less my poor eyes. The last few months have taught me that it's best to do what's right for ME. Not for my friends, not for my professional life, but what's right for Tara. It has become the mantra which I repeat to myself every morning and every evening. When I feel like people will be mad or I'll upset someone with my opinions/thoughts/words, every time I decide not to act upon that is a disservice not only to myself but to them. Because, I'm not being honest with you. Or me.

Tomorrow I'm taking that first step into doing what's best for me. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I know I'll sleep better because I listened to my gut. My soul. Me.

And I'll leave you with another favorite 3 word, 8 letter phrase that I think isn't used enough: I love you. Seriously, if you are taking the time out of your day to read my words then I just love you.


  1. You are delightful! "You do you" is a new mindset I have been attempting to tackle and some days when I do accomplish it I lay awake in bed feeling guilty, but hearing you say that I'm not only doing myself a disservice but others as well is a refreshing viewpoint and one that I'm going to embrace and use to kick guilt in the butt, Chuck Norris style! So thank you and I love you as well my friend! Looking forward to watching you transform through your blog.

  2. Well, I think YOU are delightful! IT's definitely easier said than done, one day at a time. But we can do it! I'm always here to help :) Thank you so much!

  3. Love this ! I have been busy lately, but I am following and will post more later. GREAT idea Tara !
