I hope you all have your best pink on today! It's a rule? Mean Girls, you are the best.
I keep seeing articles and hearing people talk about 'millennials.' For anyone unaware, a millennial is described as a person born between the early 1980's and the early 2000's. No one really has set years. So, by deduction, I would be described as a millennial, having been born in 1985. Can we talk about this, please? I want to knock down some stereotypes once and for all.
Credit: (Pinterest)
Let's start off with the basic idea that millennials are people too. We work hard, we fight for what we want, we know (semi, kind of) what we want our life to be. And as for the part of this time that I grew up in, the beginnings of social media didn't even begin to take hold until I was in college. I went outside and played, rode my bike, roller skated (YES, ROLLER SKATED. WHAT UP, SKATE CORRAL?). I will agree that social media is a very intregal and important aspect of society today. Promoting a business, a television show, a book, what have you, will always get out to the masses better via social media (whether that be through a blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.). However, just because a large part of my generation benefits from social media and what it offers, does not mean we're uneducated, terrible people who are entitled dicks.
I just want to wash away this stigma that just because we were born in a different decade, doesn't make us any less human. We have feelings too, you know. So, when you take time out of your day to throw shade at a certain demographic because you don't like what their generation means, I've got news for you --- everyone gets crotchety with the generations that come after them. Also, you raised us. So, chew on that. Sure, 'selfie' and 'duckface' have become part of our lexicon and the music may lend itself a little more to shaking your ass, but it's how this generation expresses themselves. And to deprive anyone of their need for self-expression is to be a real asshole. Maybe it's not the bellbottoms and poodle skirts of generations before (which, correct me if I'm wrong, also caused stern disapproval from those who came before), but it's how people choose to live.
I'll be the first to admit that you can throw me into that 'crotchety' group, because there are some parts of people now that literally make me stop and say "WHAT. THE. FUCK." But, these are also the kids who don't know a life without social media. I do. (Clearly, I'm trying to make myself sound like Laura Ingalls Wilder here). This is how they grew up and what they know. Who's to say one of those duckface pictures on your Facebook newsfeed won't grow up and find the cure for cancer? Or grow up and write the next American novel?
Let's all take a little less time demeaning the generations that become before and after and just be cool, man. I'll try and calm my grandma attitude, and maybe everyone can realize that millennials can and will change the world. Peace and love.
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