Thursday, October 30, 2014

Skinny Chicks Have Feelings Too.

It's interesting what people think is okay to say to people they've never met before. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I'm a thin lady. And until about a year ago, that bothered the hell out of me. All kinds of comments were and have been said to me: "Hey, why don't you eat a burger!" and other hilarious and witty remarks like that are so clearly so clever that I've never heard them before!

                                                            (Before the 2013 Color Run)

What people don't seem to understand is that when you tear someone down because of their smaller size, you do the same damage as you do when you tear someone down because of their bigger size. The same feelings get hurt. I have torn myself apart over random comments people have said, in the guise of "being funny." No, you're not being funny. You're telling yourself that to make yourself feel better, so you push to the side the fact that you're being a dick. You think I don't know that I'm thin? Do you think it's news to me? No, it's not. And it has taken me YEARS to be comfortable with myself. It even would get to the point where I would be afraid to wear a dress or skirt or even shorts, because people would make the most ludicrous comments.

I realize I have skinny chicken legs, and small tits. I realize that my body may not be for everyone. But, it's MY BODY. I love it, it has served me well, and I've never once had a complaint when it mattered. So, suck it. It has taken quite a long time for me to gain the confidence I do have, and I'm not about to let it be usurped by anybody.

Also, let's talk about the phrase "Real Women Have Curves," for a second. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT. Because, Jesus Howard Christ. I call bullshit. Just total, absolute BULLSHIT. Are you trying to tell me that because I tend to run a bit more up and down, that I'm not a real woman? Uh. My vagina would tell you otherwise, I believe. The cramps I get 4 days out of the month would tell you otherwise. Stop putting down segments of the female population. We are all in this together. Women need to stand together and stop tearing each other down with bogus sentiments like this. I am a real woman, damn it. I'm strong, I'm confident, and I'm not about to be torn down by insecure people who feel that they have something to prove.

I always preach owning the hell out of who you are, because it is so damn important. Especially in this age of filtered Instagram shots, cyber bullying and PhotoShop. Be you. Be proud to be in the skin you're in, the body you're in. You only get one.

                                                          (Owning the hell out my skinny legs)


  1. Great article. Thanks for speaking out. I feel very inspired.

    1. Thanks, Christen! That makes me very happy to hear! :)
