Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hi, I'm A Pollyanna

The last 6 months to a year has been a real growing experience for me. I've learned that the people I surround myself with needed to change; I learned that what I think about me is light years more important than what you think of me (unless you're family or close friends). It's still an ongoing process, I don't think you wake up one day and all of a sudden are this positive, determined, badass who knows how to take on the world. It's something you take day by day. And quite honestly, since I began taking Paxil earlier this year, it has made such a world of difference. I don't find myself coming home and sobbing because I'm not in the same place in my life that others are. I don't find myself freaking out over THE TINIEST THINGS. I've learned to relax, come out of my shell a bit more and just embrace life a bit more than I had.

The last few days especially have done such wonders for my heart and soul. Being around people that are so non judgmental, intelligent, witty, hilarious and kind make me feel incredibly lucky. I know I preach so much about surrounding yourself with positivity and owning yourself, but I guess I never realized how important that actually is/was until these last few days/weeks. I realize this might be construed as a very Pollyanna post, but you can deal with. Exuding happiness and positivity has been what seems to do the trick. Funny how that works out. Also, wine helps. A LOT. 

My 20's have been an absolute roller coaster both professionally and personally, and I can't say I'm terribly to see them go next year (WHAT??? NEXT YEAR?). I'm actually really looking forward to my 30's because I think I've finally got it right. I think I have found the best people to surround myself with, the best mindset to go forward (there is lots to be said for the whole "GFY" mentality), the best way to express myself instead of biting my tongue or hiding behind someone else's words. 

Now, if someone could just tell me how to go about finding the perfect British husband, I'd be ever so grateful. ;) Back tomorrow with LadyFriend Friday! 

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