Sunday, November 30, 2014

Made it through my 10 year!

Being on the other side of your 10 year high school reunion is so much more of a relief than the days and weeks leading up to it. Can I tell you a secret? I may have, MAY HAVE, given myself a pep talk before walking out the door last night. Whatever, we all do it. Right? Bueller? Bueller? I was incredibly anxiety ridden to walk in, jobless and single at 29. Though, those were my own insecurities and me being in my head. It was wonderful to see everyone, catch up and not feel like I did at 15 -- lame, inadequate and gawky. There were moments of fear, but the Bud Light and laughter helped that dissipate rather quickly.

(Beth and I are party animals)

I felt like an adult. I felt happy and included and respected and it was such a wonderful and great feeling. Well, most adults dance with the band on stage at the bar everyone goes to after the reunion, right? Great, I thought so. All of that worrying I did was for nothing. Everyone greeted each other with hugs and genuine happiness at seeing each other. 

                                                (The "I love sangria" sign is on point)

I can assure you, if you're ever faltering about whether or not to go to your reunion -- you should. Speaking as someone who's high school experience wasn't rainbows and lollipops, it's totally worth it. Seeing each other as adults, with jobs and spouses and real responsibilities makes such a world of difference. Pepping yourself up and telling yourself that you're not the same person now as you were at 18 helps a lot as well. I'm still totally nerdy and would rather be at home than out, but now I own it. OWN THE HELL OUT OF IT. As long as you're happy with yourself, that's all that really matters. Though it helps that the class of '04 is made up of some fantastic people. #04fosho 

Remember kids, always end your stories/blog posts/letters to the President, with a hashtag. 

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