Saturday, January 17, 2015

End of the Week Odds & Ends

So sorry this is coming a day late. Yesterday was a crazy day, and I realized too late in the evening that I had forgotten that day's post. Which I'm sure shook you all to your very core and you could barely make it through your day. I thought so. Hope you are all enjoying this sun-filled weekend and are taking advantage of it! On with the post.

-- Sometimes, after a day like yesterday, you just need to play with some puppies. Nothing calms you down like dog cuddles. Or maybe that's just me. Biscuit was just rescued by my awesome friend and dog crusader, Ashley. He is such a sweet old man and I can't wait for more cuddles with him and Penny!

-- Please tell me you have heard of the amazing Instagram account, Fashion Dads? If not, follow them immediately. Dedicated to the wonderful outfits dads are known to wear, this will make your heart smile with such glee, either at recognition, or because some outfits are too ridiculous for words.

-- Still on my classics binge. Finishing up Catcher in the Rye today, and then moving on to Wuthering Heights. Any other suggestions? I have a small stack in my living room, but always looking for more titles. 

-- As a big fan of British television, news earlier this week that Netflix might be getting rid of BBC shows made me shake my fist. However, that seems NOT to be the case, so all of us Anglophiles can rejoice once again! Variety had an article which refuted the false claims and soothed my soul. Hallelujah! (Thank you to my friend Jason for sharing the article).

-- Just discovered Emily McDowell, whose hilarious line of cards will make you so glad for options outside of Hallmark. Also, follow her on Instagram for more wit and charm. You certainly won't regret it.

Enjoy the long weekend, if you've got one, beauties!! See you back here on Monday. 

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