Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015!

Hope all of you beautiful unicorns had a wonderful holiday and fantastic start to the new year. 2015 I'm hoping will finally be the year of the hover board! If you haven't started off the year with a Back to the Future reference, have you truly lived?

5 days in to the new year and already, I've started to make small changes. I've begun to purge myself digitally and not have such a social media presence anymore. I've deleted Twitter, I've unfollowed literally over a 100 accounts on Instagram, and deleted nearly that same amount of "friends" on Facebook. I've never really been one for resolutions (eat less sugar! Look, sugar is delicious and I will eat the hell out of it), instead, trying to rectify and tweak the habits and ideas that I know I could be better about as I approach the start of my 30th year. Which, rereading that sentence, does sound a lot like another definition of resolution, but let's move on.

I want to establish a bigger and better blog presence and just focus on the people I have in my life. Purging myself not only digitally, but of negative and toxic friendships is also something I've worked on doing and I find myself the better for it. I've felt, especially over the last few years, that I've let a lot of friendships dwindle because I was so focused on something else, being somewhere else. That needs to change. I won't be spending a whole lot of time anymore where I had been in previous years and summers. This past summer was the start of that, and it felt really good. My reunion a month ago, opened my eyes to what and who I needed to surround myself with. While I'm an incredibly lucky lady to be surrounded by the love and laughter that I am, it's also time to expand that and rekindle old friendships. Also, how can there be anything wrong with the addition of MORE love and laughter to your life?

The biggest lesson I've taken from 2014 is that I can't care for anyone romantically, until I care for myself. Really, honestly love myself for the badass, intelligent woman that I am. And that's started to happen, slowly but surely. I've made some mistakes with men, some GINORMOUS mistakes, but that's the only way to learn. And I feel confident that the next gentleman caller (why don't we say that more? I dig it) is going to be one who can keep up with me and one that loves me the way that I love me.

I really have a good feeling about you, 2015. Don't let me down.


  1. I swear you are my other daughter by another mother. Gentleman caller, indeed. We need to spend some time together,Tawa. Love you.

  2. Aw, I would love that Aunt Llynnie! :) Hahaha, I love it. And love you!
