Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Resolutions/Goals/Ideas, etc.

The last few days of any year are usually cause for some reflection; a look back on the preceding year, how it changed you, the hurdles you overcame, the laughter you shared. What also strikes me as interesting is the amount of people on social media proclaiming that taking to Facebook, Instagram, what have you, to put down other people for explaining how they want to grow in the coming year. Why do you take time out of your day to tell others how to convey their feelings about a new year? Maybe their resolution to eat less McDonald's won't last very long, maybe it will. Maybe their desire to spend more time with family will just culminate in World War 3, but we don't know that, and to vocalize on a social media platform that people SHOULDN'T do that, is ridiculous.

Let people facing a new year (so, ALL OF US), handle it how they choose. If that means making a list of resolutions, than you do you! If that means going out and volunteering, than holler! Also, can we talk about the good deeds that take place and than people IMMEDIATELY take to social media to proclaim how good of a person they are for doing said deed? Look, it's wonderful that people are kind and wonderful, with so much love in their heart. But, when you have to take to social media to brag about how great of a person you are, it takes they selflessness right out of it. If you're really such a great person, do the deed and than shut up. Go about your day. Pay it forward some more. Stop looking for validation. The only validation that matters is your own. Did doing what you did make you happy? Great! It should have. Let that be your reward. Not comments from people praising you that, let's be honest, you probably haven't talked to since 1987.

2014 was a roller coaster of a year, professionally, as I've mentioned before. It's been a kick in the pants and allowed me to fall flat on my face with no sense of direction. I'm very much looking forward to 2015 and what it may bring. Also, the year I turn 30? Hashtag....say whaaaaat?

I want to be better about a lot of things in the coming year:

-- I want to have more girlfriend time and wine dates with the women that I'm lucky enough to call friends. Especially the last few months, I've found myself getting closer with females that I've known for a long time, but never spent a ton of time with. I'm very much looking forward to rectifying that in the coming year and spending time with like minded, intelligent and love filled women.
--I want to get myself to London.
-- I want to do more reading.
-- More saying yes to things!
-- No more pressure put on myself to be somewhere in my life that I'm not meant to be yet.
--Attempt to cut down on usage of the F bomb, but realize that will probably never happen.
-- And while I have no desire yet to have a ring on my finger, I want to be around men with ambition. With wit. With intelligence. Men who challenge me in good ways and don't leave me crying by their drunken words (Trust me, I'll be very glad to put 20 something Tara behind me and make way for the badass woman that 30 something Tara will be). Assholes are constants in the population, you just have to blaze your own way and not listen to their bullshit.

I'll leave you with my most favorite quote to end a year. Cheers to a wonderful and love filled 2015! See you on the other side! :)

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