Tuesday, September 30, 2014

She Believed She Could, So She Did.

Happy Tuesday, all! Life, man. Am I right? Sometimes it throws you some curve balls that while you may have been expecting them, still shock for a bit. Precarious times call for reflection and a look into how this will shape who you are and who you will become. This quote has stuck with me the last few days and I've even made it the background on my phone to remind myself that damn it, I'm a tough cookie. I know what I want and how I need to achieve it. Though sometimes, I still feel like this girl:

I think we all have those days from time to time. I've mentioned before that I'm contemplating turning this blog into a book, or somehow compiling a book of essays a la Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey. Who knows, it's just an idea, but an idea that has really taken hold the last month or so. Because, look. 

I found this great challenge on Facebook the other day, about naming 3 people a day and telling them why they're your FB friend and what they mean to you. I thought it was such a great idea and am implementing it to realize how many wonderful people I have in my life, and though monetarily I am no Grace, Princess of Monaco, friend/family wise, I am rich as hell (Stitch that on a pillow!). 

I know the last few posts have been life-based, but we'll start to get back to our traveling, lady friends and literature posts here very soon. Sometimes, girl just needs to vent. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Just another Manic Monday...

Good morning, loves! Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and your week is starting off delightfully! My weekend was WONDERFUL. And what beauuuuutiful weather! Had to enjoy it, as I'm sure it will be the last really nice one for a long time. Saturday was the highlight of my weekend, getting to meet Tony Hale at a book signing at Happy Up, Inc. in Edwardsville. Happy Up used to be what many of us remember as Once Upon A Toy and what a FABULOUS store! Take your kids immediately. Or your 29 year old friends.

For those not familiar with his work, he played Buster Bluth on Arrested Development and currently stars on HBO's Veep as Gary Walsh. He could not have been nicer! He did a reading of his new children's book, which I had no problem telling him to make out to me :) No shame!

Yesterday's weather was GORGEOUS. Spent it on the deck with some sunshine, wine and good friends. Love days like that. I'm loving lots of these things these days: getting back to writing, reading plenty, good wine, great friends, learning to stand up for myself, sticking to my guns, and being happy in the moment and not stressing about what's ahead.

Also, I'm toying with the idea of a book. WHAT? I don't know. Something maybe stemming from this blog? Anywho, it's an idea percolating.

Enjoy your Mondays, unicorns. October is coming!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday!

We've finally made it to the end of the week, muffins! Time to celebrate! (Well, maybe not quite yet. I mean, it is only 12:40 in the afternoon, but you do you. YOU DO YOU).

Just a short post today, wishing you a great weekend and a genuine and heartfelt 'thank you' to new and old friends. And new-old friends, if that makes sense. I've really enjoyed getting closer to a lot of people and bonding over our shared loves. Hoping our friendship continues to flourish! (Stick that in a Hallmark card and smoke it!).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

One of those days....

Do you have one of those days where you wake up feeling good, and than by the time you get to work, you're so mad you could spit? Today, I have terrible drivers to thank for that. And a pretty healthy dose of PMS. So, in order to calm myself the hell down before it's time to go home, drink wine and watch the hell out of some Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder (THURSDAY, FINALLY!), I made a list of 10 things that make me happy. And you know what, it worked! I may start doing that every time the bitch in me crawls out and I can't currently calm her down with a cookie.

You know what else makes you feel good? Funny, ridiculous selfies. Look, I hate that word a LOT and I kind of hate the whole concept itself. But, sometimes, you just need to look like an asshole and have a good laugh (even if it's at yourself) and realize how little shit really matters in the long run.

And sometimes, you need to take that selfie in RIDICULOUS glasses that are 20 times too big for your face. Don't worry, those aren't my real glasses :) Mine are much more 'wine bar' than 'hipster.' And look, I know I have frizz for days. I KNOW. Any tips that don't result in me getting a $84 million blowout? I have tried everything, outside of bathing in olive oil. I NEED HELP.

Now that I'm back in a regular posting pattern, I forget how much I missed it! Let's do this, all. High-fiving a million angels! Also, important to remember:

Amen, Sister Christian. Enjoy the rest of your Thursday, loves! We're almost there! :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My WCW Now and Always: Sophia Petrillo

For those aren't familiar with the acronym WCW, it stands for Woman Crush Wednesday. As much as I abhor the term, and much prefer the friendlier lady friend, I'll use it in this instance. How many of us grew up on The Golden Girls? How many of us can recite and sing along to every word of that theme song? All of us, amirite (by the way Google, in no way do I want to use the word emirate. How would that even come up in regular conversation)?

Making its debut in 1985 (the best year EVER), and still in syndication 29 years later, The Golden Girls tells the story of Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia as they navigate their golden years in Miami. My personal favorite and who I aspire to be is Sophia, Dorothy's mother, played by the wonderful Estelle Getty.

                                                         Credit: (Pinterest)

She fills my heart with such laughter that I can't help to hope to grow up to be just like her and start my stories with, "Picture it: Edwardsville, 2008." Every night, the show runs on the Hallmark Channel and I watch religiously, even though I've seen the episode a million times. It's still a show that holds weight today and much of their story lines are still absolutely relevant. And fun fact! Did you know that even though Estelle Getty was supposed to be the oldest, the matriarch, it was actually Betty White that was the oldest in the cast? Trivia for your next dinner party.

                                                                 Credit: (Pinterest)

Sophia is even going to be my Halloween costume this year! She loves fiercely, lives life with a humor unparalleled and rocks those glasses like no one's business. The top of my list of favorite lady friends. I, of course, will leave you with this.

Halfway through the week, pumpkins! (I like to make sure my pet names for you are seasonally appropriate).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Not Going to Apologize

Happy first official day of autumn, guys! I like saying 'autumn,' sounds cozier. I'm weird, alright. We've all known that for awhile now.

Anywho (I also like saying 'anywho,' because I'm your 54 year old aunt who's about to tell a story you don't want to hear), at the start of 2014, I went into the year with all kinds of expectations. But, those expectations never really pan out, do they? I wanted to be in a different job, in the field I went to school for, I wanted to be in a relationship with a man who wasn't emotionally stunted, I wanted lots of things. And at first, when none of those things were coming to fruition, I got upset. But, as the year has gone on and I've gotten more to a place of being okay with who and where I am, it started to not bother me as much.

I'm where I should be,  I've got the people I want around me and I won't apologize for living my life on my terms. Cutting out the toxic and the negative is something that's necessary sometimes. Like I've said in previous posts, I only wish good things for all those who have passed through my life. I don't wish negative energy on anybody. But, we weren't meant to be on each other's journeys forever.

I've learned lately, that saying no is okay. No is a complete sentence. I don't need to explain myself at all. I've learned that humor is something I rely heavily on and it has brought me closer to a lot of people. I will never apologize for that. I will never apologize for my rants, for my goofiness, for my inability to pass up a good pun. Because I'm sorry, this shirt? HILARIOUS.

It's taken me a very long time to be comfortable in my skin and be confident in who I am, and I'll be damned if anyone takes that away from me. I know people think I can't be such a Positive Polly all of the time, and they'd be right. I'm not. Quite often, I'm a Debbie Downer, a Negative Nancy, a Bitchy Brenda. But, I try to make those days few and far between. I try and make those times only when I'm in the solace of my own home.

I am so grateful to everyone who reads these words and has surrounded me with such kindness. You make my heart swell and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I'm so glad that my ridiculousness can bring you some small bit of happiness, it really does brighten my day to brighten yours. Does that sound arrogant and indulgent? UGH. I'm sorry if it does. That's not my intention. My only intention is to introduce you to fierce women, my terrible jokes and my reading list that's 2,987 miles long (an accurate assessment).

You are all beautiful, fierce, strong, intelligent, kind human beings and here's looking at you, kid (I'm a Bogart impersonator in my free time?).

Monday, September 22, 2014


Happy first day of autumn, loves! The best season of the year, in my humble opinion. The air starts to get a little more brisk, sweaters and boots come out and fall TV comes back (anyone else excited as hell for Scandal on Thursday? Bueller? Bueller?). We're on tap to have a gorgeous week, weather wise, which always puts me in the best mood. Does anyone else create lots of little things to look forward to? It can be something as small as coming home to the book you're currently reading or as big as a date that night. I try and do that at least once a day, to make the anticipation that much sharper and put me in a great mood.

Today is also the 20th anniversary of the best show EVER. Friends premiered on this date in 1994 and has worked its way into popular consciousness ever since. I watch it every time I'm down about something, or I quote it relentlessly and sing "Smelly Cat." Throw on a marathon today and you won't be sorry to be back in Apartment 20.

Also, not sure how many have seen Emma Watson's wonderful speech at the UN over the weekend speaking about gender equality. Please, do yourself a favor and watch it. And while you're at it, check out He For She. Feminism is my second favorite F word and something I am never afraid to be vocal about and preach about all day, every day.

Hope you all are having a great start to your weeks! Sending you good vibes!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy Friday!

                                             Credit: (Pinterest

Looks like we made it after all. I like to start off posts by quoting theme songs to 1970's TV shows. It's Friday! Whoo hoo! Heading into a wedding filled weekend and can't wait. :) Also, this tends to happen at McDonald's drive thru's frequently -- just me? 

Also, you guys- YOU GUYS. Important news bulletin: Mariah Carey has a beverage line at Walgreens. It's described as a 'melodic beverage," because I guess it sings to you? I've got photographic proof on my Instagram: @tarahuntley913. It's....it's intense. Jay-Z also has one as well! So, interesting times we live in, guys. INTERESTING TIMES.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and I'll see you next week!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ladyfriend Thursday: Caitlin Moran

We haven't done a Ladyfriend day in quite awhile! I know they usually would fall on Wednesdays, but I like to mix it up, because I make the rules (I can totally pull off stern and disciplined, right? Thought so).  This Thursday brings us a lady after my own heart, some even call her the British Tina Fey.

                                                         Credit: (Pinterest)

Caitlin Moran is a well known critic and columnist in Britain and I recently fell in love with her. Too much? Didn't think so. She has two books of essaysthe above How To Be A Woman, and Moranthology. I sped through both in a matter of days. This fall, she's coming out with her first novel, How To Build A Girl, which I preordered as soon as I could. Look, I just love super strong, funny women who don't take any shit, alright? Even better that she's a broad I feel like I could get a whiskey with.

Caitlin Moran takes the idea of what it is to be a feminist and turns it on it's head. One of her better known quotes, is one of my all time favorites:

                                                             Credit: (Pinterest)

I think you can see why. Especially at a time when our cultural climate is so divisive and women are treated as if they're nothing more than an object, we need women like her more than ever. I will always preach the writings and words of women who fight for other women. Women who can stand up and go, "Look guys, this is some BULLSHIT. Some shit to the bull" (80 points if you get that reference).

Every time I get on social media, women are tearing other women down because of whatever they choose not to like about them (their hair, their makeup, their cat sweaters). Look, we don't all have to join hands and sing Kumbaya, but taking your vicious thoughts to a public platform only reflects poorly on you, not the woman you're calling out. We don't all have to like each other, but we're in this together, ladies. Women rule the damn world. Women support each other. Let's all pour ourselves a glass of wine and toast to our intelligent, hilarious, beautiful selves.

Check out Caitlin Moran, you won't be sorry.

Ladyfriends forever! (That's how I sign all yearbooks?).

Monday, September 15, 2014

Feeling fine at 29

As many of you know, Saturday was my 29th birthday. I entered the last year of my 20's in a much different place than I thought I would have 5 or 10 years ago. I thought, absolutely, no question, I would at least be married by now. Perhaps with a kid. But, whose expectations are those really? Mine? Or society's? Am I somehow less of a woman because I haven't settled down and procreated by now? The answer, quite simply, is no.

There are still days when I get upset because I come home to an empty house, no one there to spoon with or tell about my bad day. But then I think, I get to come home, put on sweats, drink a glass of wine and DO WHAT I WANT. You have to look at both sides of the coin. Would I like to be married? Share my life with someone? Absolutely. No questions about it. But, will I do that until I found the person who makes me feel like I can't get through my day without them? Nope. Nyet. Nah. Hell to the no. At 29 years old, I cannot tell you how many people I've gone to school with that are divorced. In their late 20's. Divorced is never a word I want used to describe myself. I know that's a far reach, a lofty expectation. But, I have been surrounded by strong marriages my entire life and I won't settle for anything less.

I have entered the last year of an up and down decade with the people I want by my side, the love, the laughter, the warmth that I need to survive. That is all that matters to me. The people that have come and gone over this last decade, I wish you well and hope for good things for you, but you weren't supposed to last forever on my journey, as I wasn't on yours.

Hope you all have had a great start to your week. Those leaves, they are a-changin'!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another Year Older....

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. The older you get, I know your birthday isn't supposed to really be as big of a deal, but for me, I've always loved it. And I hope I never stop loving it. It brings me such happiness and I almost feel 7 years old again. It's nice to feel that way when bills and work and life sometimes make you feel shitty.

Today was wonderful. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, I spent the day with my mama, shopping for books, getting Jimmy John's and a Pumpkin Spice Latte and enjoying Edwardsville's new annual International Food Festival in the library park. A low key day for entering the last year of my 20's.


Yesterday was the real celebration, spending the day at the Grafton wineries with some of my favorite women. It was nice to relax and just be. Not worry about anything at all. I wish I could say I'm going into 29 with some hard won wisdom. And 28 taught me a lot. All I do know is that I'm heading into the last year of my 20's surrounded with a lot of love and laughter and that's all we can really ask for, isn't it?

No funny sign off this time around, just a heartfelt thank you to all who took time out of their day to send wishes via text, Facebook, phone calls, Snapchat, or other forms of social media. You are all the cat's pajamas and I'm lucky my life is filled with people like you.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Two days in a row, I'm back! :) While cruising the Internet today (that's a thing kids say, right?), I came across a quote that I fell in love with.

How wonderful is that? How thought provoking. It makes you think just how harshly you are judged on a daily basis, even if you're not aware of it. I'll admit, I'm guilty of thinking "What a terrible coat/sweater/feather boa" that person is wearing. But, to them it may hold some sentimental significance. To them, it might be the piece of clothing that makes them feel badass and ready to take on the world. Who am I to say that your clothing is terrible? Who am I to judge you for what makes you feel great about yourself? Unless you're in a chain mail dress. Than dude, I can't get on board. That train has left the station.

I've always struggled with being a person whose weight runs on the smaller side. But, I've never once felt judged by the people that matter, the people whose opinions I really give a damn about. And I've never once had a man tell me anything negative. Because, that shit would get him kicked to the damn curb. I've learned to curb those thoughts that I have when I walk by someone whose outfit isn't of my personal taste and instead choose to focus on something I like about them (those shoes are fantastic, your eyes are beautiful, I love your smile). So, the next time you're ready to judge someone for their outer appearance, turn that negative thought into something positive. You'll be glad you did :)

Also, I love what you're wearing right now. Get it, girl. (Or, dude). GET IT.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Best Month of the Year!

I know, I know. Let's forget how terrible I am at this and move on, alright? It's been an interesting month, getting my body adjusted to my new medication and allowing myself to realize it's okay to ask for help if you need it. In light of Robin Williams' tragic death earlier last month, I'm becoming more of an advocate for better mental healthcare and taking care of yourself. Anxiety is something I live with, deal with, but it's not who I am. And it's not who you are either. You are a loved and beautiful human being with so much to offer the world. Remember that.

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Repeat the above words to yourself whenever you're feeling like there's not much good around, because I promise you there is. Just put your big kid pants on and look for it.

Anywho, it's now September! Can you believe it? And, in my humble opinion, the best month of the year. Though, I am a bit partial :) It's the last year of my 20's and I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that. I'm not scared of it, it's just surreal. Which I guess facing a new decade always is. Doesn't it feel like we should all still be 16? I mean, lots of things about your late 20's are GREAT: drinking wine in sweatpants, eating what you want when you want it, not having to go out to clubs anymore (not that I ever did, but you're picking up what I'm putting down), becoming more comfortable and confident in your own skin. It's just an odd thing to face. Good, but odd.

I'll try to be so much better about this now that I'm feeling more myself again. Hoping all of you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend and a great start to a new month!