Monday, January 26, 2015

29 Things I've Learned in 29 Years

I won't be 30 until September, but I've seen quite a few similar posts around the blogosphere lately, and wanted to share some well earned pearls of wisdom. Because I'm so wise? As I head into my 30th year, I thought the fear would have set in, but shockingly, I can't wait. CANNOT WAIT. To quote Nick Miller from New Girl, I feel like I'm finally growing into my personality. 

1. You do you. I can't stress it enough and it's the one thing I've really preached. I always went along with what everyone else did or wanted to do, just because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes or upset anyone. Now? Look, if I don't want to go out at 10 PM, I REFUSE TO. Besides -- 10 PM? Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, I have a hot date with Jon Stewart. 
2. Always take off your makeup before bed. Your skin will thank you.
3. I spent my 20's dating and spending time with men who clearly didn't feel about me the way I thought I felt about them. Life is too short to spend around jerks. Realize what a beautiful catch you are, and kick that douchecanoe to that curb. 
4. There's a lot to be said for dance parties alone in your living room. 
5. Leggings are comfortable and I don't care what anyone says. I will wear the hell out of them. Wear what you want. Don't let your fashion and style be dictated by anyone but you. If it's comfortable, if it makes you feel like a million bucks -- own the hell out of it!
6. There's nothing wrong with being alone. I no longer feel the need to make excuses for being single. I don't feel judged for it, I don't feel bad about it. I won't settle down until I feel like I'm ready, not when society feels I should.
7. Stand up for what you think is right. You would think this would be a no brainer, but I've always kept my mouth shut around people whose opinions differed from my own. I'm not ashamed to identify myself as a pro-choice, feminist, proud member of the Democratic party. I won't apologize for thinking women are equal to men. I won't apologize for thinking that MY BODY IS MY BODY, so keep your mouth shut, old Republican white men. No vagina, no opinion. Also, I'm Team Jennifer (Aniston) and Team NOT Bill Cosby.
8. Surround yourself only with those who lift you up. Don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for cutting out toxic friendships. Not everyone should be in your life forever (do I sound like a Hallmark card yet?).
9. Invest in some great red lipstick.
10. Guys DO make passes at girls who wear glasses.
11. Love your body. And if someone makes fun of it, screw them. I don't care if you're 500 pounds or 50, own the skin you're in. You're beautiful.
12. Don't apologize for loving the hell out of something. 
13. Wine will never let you down. It will always be there for you.
14. Never suffer in silence. If something is going on in your life, don't be afraid to ask for help. I've been on anxiety medication since July and it's the best thing I ever did. You're not less of a person. You're human. 
15. Live like you're 21, think like you're 61. Gots to save that money!
16. Your female relationships are some of the most important relationships you'll ever have, choose wisely. 
17. If you're a geek at 14, chances are you'll still be one at 29. And that is THE GD BEST. 
18. Always keep a book in your purse.
19. Some days just call for sitting on the couch, watching an incredible amount of Netflix. Don't sweat it. 
20. You can't love anyone else until you love yourself. I spent my 20's being incredibly hard on myself (well, let's be honest, I spent my teens the same way), and that is something that is ever evolving with me. I know that I'm not a Heidi Klum by ANY stretch of the imagination, but being able to look in the mirror every day and saying "Damn girl, you're alright" has been such an eye opening experience and one that I am so grateful for. 
21. You're not going to like everybody and not everybody is going to like you. That's cool, dude.
22. Quality over quantity. All day, every day.
23. Put the phone away every once in awhile and enjoy a genuine human interaction. 
24. When you put yourself out there, generally people are incredibly receptive to the effort. If they're not, don't waste your time; people generally tend not to change much.
25. Spend time with your creators (your parents, obviously...or Jesus, I don't know your life) because you want to, not because you feel like you have to. 
26. Don't dumb yourself down. It's not cute. 
27. That thought you have that people are talking about or judging you? I guarantee you they are not. There's too much BS going on in their own lives. 
28. Fedoras are not to be trusted. ON ANYONE. 
29. You learned all of life's basic lessons in kindergarten. 

                                            (My life motto) 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All About That Hogwarts Life

That time I was FINALLY sorted into Gryffindor. Perhaps it comes in the form of a Snuggie, but deal with it. I'll wear my HP love loud and proud! 

Embrace your inner nerd, beauties. Whatever gives you an insane amount of pleasure, be it a movie, book, tv show, lifestyle choice, embrace it and rock it! Own it -- do you! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Importance of Female Friendships

You know those women who say that all of their friends are men? That they don't have any female friends at all? I don't trust women that don't surround themselves with other amazing broads. Women that don't have a group on their Facebook dedicated to their "lady cats" or that don't have a group of gals they rely on for advice, wine dates, support. There is something you get from your female friendships that you can't get from your male friends. Don't get me wrong, men are fantastic and I have wonderful guys in my life to go to for advice and beers. At this point in my life, it's just important for me to focus on my ladies and building those relationships.

I told myself that in 2015, I would really focus on spending more time building up those relationships and I think I'm off to a great start! Brunches, Blues games, just feeling the love and support and humor that is uniquely female has already made this year so fulfilling. I've had experiences with women that have not been great, that have been hurtful. But, in the end, you need to do what is right for you. And if you feel like you're surrounding yourself with someone that you're not meant to, than there is nothing wrong with cutting ties. Absolutely nothing. And don't let anyone tell you that there is. 

There have been women that I've only met ONCE, that I feel such a connection to. And I can't describe how wonderful that is. To find a like-minded, intelligent broad who you can rely on, who you can text at all hours about anything, whose sense of humor makes you feel like everything will be fantastic. I feel really lucky about how my life has directed me towards the women in my life. Women I went to school with, women who I met through mutual friends, I am incredibly grateful to have you in my life and to call you friends. 

Men are total delights (well, a decent amount of them are), and I love them. But, until I love myself and surround myself with women who do the same (which I do and I have!), I won't be a good girlfriend/wife/lady. This year is about focusing on me, my lady friends and realizing being on my own is totally cool. Tara can take care of Tara. And until I meet that tall, dark and handsome Brit, I'm perfectly content. Which only took me 29 years. 

Being around women that understand you and support you? There's just nothing like it. This Hello Giggles article says it better than I ever could. Cherish and raise up the women in your life. They are the ones who will be there when shit hits the fan. They are the ones who get it. 

And if you're ever feeling down about a friendship or relationship and need some guidance, "Just Do You" by India.Arie is my jam and has helped me channel that inner badass/goddess that is in all of us. 

Enjoy your Monday, beauties. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

End of the Week Odds & Ends

So sorry this is coming a day late. Yesterday was a crazy day, and I realized too late in the evening that I had forgotten that day's post. Which I'm sure shook you all to your very core and you could barely make it through your day. I thought so. Hope you are all enjoying this sun-filled weekend and are taking advantage of it! On with the post.

-- Sometimes, after a day like yesterday, you just need to play with some puppies. Nothing calms you down like dog cuddles. Or maybe that's just me. Biscuit was just rescued by my awesome friend and dog crusader, Ashley. He is such a sweet old man and I can't wait for more cuddles with him and Penny!

-- Please tell me you have heard of the amazing Instagram account, Fashion Dads? If not, follow them immediately. Dedicated to the wonderful outfits dads are known to wear, this will make your heart smile with such glee, either at recognition, or because some outfits are too ridiculous for words.

-- Still on my classics binge. Finishing up Catcher in the Rye today, and then moving on to Wuthering Heights. Any other suggestions? I have a small stack in my living room, but always looking for more titles. 

-- As a big fan of British television, news earlier this week that Netflix might be getting rid of BBC shows made me shake my fist. However, that seems NOT to be the case, so all of us Anglophiles can rejoice once again! Variety had an article which refuted the false claims and soothed my soul. Hallelujah! (Thank you to my friend Jason for sharing the article).

-- Just discovered Emily McDowell, whose hilarious line of cards will make you so glad for options outside of Hallmark. Also, follow her on Instagram for more wit and charm. You certainly won't regret it.

Enjoy the long weekend, if you've got one, beauties!! See you back here on Monday. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Saying Yes More is THE BEST.

Happy Thursday, you beauties! Hope you're enjoying this sunshine we're having and these nearly tropical temps for mid-January! One of my big goals for 2015 was to say yes AND no more. Let me explain. I want to be better about saying no to the things that I don't really want to do or people I don't want to hang out with, what have you. I inevitably will end up saying yes and than having a horrible time. So, being able to say "No thanks, I'm just not feeling it today" has been something I'm really working on trying to rectify, and so far it's working wonders!

As for saying yes more, I mean that in the sense of unpredictability and spontaneity. Take yesterday for example. It was a regular Wednesday, ran some errands, had my KMA meeting, than headed home for some reading and TV. While scrolling through Facebook, I saw a few friends of mine were up at Global Brew to meet David Backes, captain of the St. Louis Blues (LGB!!!). He was there to promote his work with animal rescue, an incredibly worthwhile cause. I commented on a friend's status, stating how jealous I was, since I thought this was a closed event. Nope, open to the public! I was up there in 10 minutes flat. Kids, this is what happens when you say yes more:

I'll start at the beginning. Once I got there and found my friends, who had tickets for the event to get an autographed photo with Backes, we got in line to meet him. Mind you, I didn't buy a ticket, as I thought it was a closed event. Cut to, 15 minutes later, sneaking in this picture, and so many other photobombs. Just, call on your inner ninja skills! 

Another attendee at the event was Brad Thompson, who played for the St. Louis Cardinals (otherwise known as the best team in baseball, #cardinalnation) from 2005-2009 as a pitcher. I actually couldn't place him for some reason, but what a nice guy! St. Louis athletics breeds amazingly kind people (I'm sure their parents also may have a small role in it, but let's focus on St. Louis ;) ). 

(Brad Thompson!) 

Believe me, there were SO many pictures taken last night, and I think there are more to come. If you're interested, check out my Facebook page for more of last night's awesomeness, or make sure to follow me on Instagram at @tahuntley

I want to go into my 30's with more of an idea of what I want and don't want, who I want to surround myself with and who I don't. Last night was definitely one of the first steps on that path, and I'm anxious to see what's ahead! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Benefits of British Television

Next to boxed wine, I feel that Netflix is the greatest invention of our time. I find so many shows and specials on there that I've long forgotten and it always brings me back to a place of either childhood nostalgia or triumph at finding such treasures (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, FTW). One of my most delighted finds is the greatness of British television. Currently, I'm making my way through Doctor Who, but before that I was introduced to Miranda, Gavin & Stacey, and The Bletchley Circle. I almost prefer the shortened seasons that predominate the British television landscape (seasons can be as little as 6 episodes). And many of the same actors pop up in different shows, making it come a bit full circle.

Also, it has introduced me to how brilliant and wonderful David Tennant is, but that's neither here nor there. Though, seriously. Have you seen such delightfulness before? WHAT A DREAMBOAT. 

The reason I seem to gravitate more towards the British shows, isn't just the fantastic accents. It's the humor. The subtlety, the sharpness, the intelligence. There's no relying on what passes for humor here in the States, which, I'm sorry, most of which isn't funny and is downright rude a lot of the times. There's very few American comics who I find genuinely funny and that also espouse a way of living that doesn't make me want to punch them in the face. That's why I am so grateful for networks like the BBC and PBS, who bring such quality, intelligent programming to the US, instead of another season of I Slept With My Stepson, or whatever wonders TLC is bringing us these days. 

British television also allows for another viewpoint on the world, that's not coming from a strictly American upbringing or way of life. It allows, perhaps, a look in the mirror for us Yanks, to see how others view us and what, as a nation and culture, we could be better about. While we are awesome at a lot of things (hello, International House of Pancakes), there is always room for improvement. 

I always recommend the following shows to anyone looking for a new binge watching session: Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, Miranda, The Bletchley Circle, Gavin & Stacey, Broadchurch, and anything with David Tennant in it. Most of these shows are actually on Hulu as well, which surprisingly has a much bigger selection of quality British programming, especially British comedies. Basically what I'm saying is, get a Roku. You will never leave your house again, or have to interact with dummies. And what is more American than that? 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tales From Dating's Front Lines

Happy return of Parks and Recreation day! That's a real thing, right? Well, we're going to make it one. I've missed Pawnee and can't wait to get back to Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson.

                                                              (All of us).

Anyways, as a single 29 year old lady, it's safe to say I've been on my fair share of dates -- some great, some terrible. And I'm hoping, as I approach my 30's, that my taste has gotten infinitely better than it has been in my 20's. DAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN,Gina-- you did not make great decisions. But, how else are you going to learn? How else are you going to figure out what you like, dislike, could live with, absolutely could NOT live with? I've seen it all, I've seen men (actually, let's go with boys), not take the HOOD OF THEIR HOODIES OFF AT THE DINNER TABLE. THE ENTIRE TIME. That warrants all caps, don't even tell me it doesn't. Could you please walk me through what goes through your mind, as a male, to warrant thinking that's an okay thing to do? JESUS. I didn't get a "Hey, Tara, you look great!" Which, look dudes, even if she doesn't look top notch, at least be gentlemanly enough to compliment her. When you go through a whole meal without a single nice thing said to your date, there will be no next date.

Then, there have been dudes who talk about OTHER women while dining with you. I'm sorry, what makes you think I want to hear about how good looking you think so and so is? Also, thanks for making me feel about 2 inches tall, you total douchecanoe (when I write my memoirs, you can be certain the word "douchecanoe" will be making so many appearances. It's a great word!). What's super interesting, is being told months later, that the dude did in fact like you just as much as you liked him. Excuse me while I go laugh myself to tears. He had an incredibly funny way of showing it, and believe me when I say, that ship has sailed. There will be no more chances. Off to the island of Douchecanoastoria for you, good sir.

Ladies, men should think you the sun rises and sets with you, BECAUSE IT DOES. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. You are a beautiful, intelligent, kind, funny and delightful woman with so much to offer this crazy world of ours. Don't allow yourself to get mixed up with the likes of (sorry, I seem to think I'm a character in a 1940's crime novel, let's just go with it) men who don't appreciate you. I have and it's THE WORST. Obviously. I mean, could there be a more obvious sentence? I used to think that because everyone else around me was in a serious relationship/engaged/married, that I needed to be too. That is definitely not the case. I'm not going to date for the sake of dating. You have to really wow me in order for me to even consider a date with you. Perhaps that may be a bit pretentious, but at this point, I don't care. I'm looking for someone to share my life with, so I tend to take great care about that. At nearly 30, I hope a marriage and family is in my near future and if I continued down the path I was on, that wouldn't happen. Realize how fantastic you are, and never settle.

Another thing I find to be so incredibly worth it while seeing if Mr. Right is even on his way, is fortifying my female friendships. If you do find yourself a single lady, stop focusing on men, and focus on the women in your life. Your girlfriends are such an important relationship in life, don't let that fall by the wayside. I'm so lucky to be getting closer to such wonderful women and I cannot wait as the bond grows stronger.

It's taken me a long time to realize my strengths and what I bring to the table, I will no longer waste that on men who don't deserve it. And you shouldn't either. Hold out for the man that doesn't make you think "ARE YOU SERIOUS, RIGHT NOW?" at least 13 times during your date. He's out there, I promise. Until you find him, you do you, girl. YOU DO YOU.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, Monday

It would be ridiculous if I didn't start this post off with so much praise for Tina and Amy. Last night's Golden Globes monologue was ON POINT. And it wasn't just Tina and Amy who stole the night. Last night's awards show was full of such wonderful, feminist moments that made me proud to own both of those X chromosomes (BOOM. Science). I very much look forward to a day where movie roles, books, life events, etc. are not denoted by "first female to do so....," "female director," and so on. But just with, "hey, this  person achieved this. How great is that?" I'm sure that's incredibly naive, but I believe it's coming.

                                             (The best moment of the 2015 Golden Globes)

Anyways, that digital purge I spoke about last week? Perhaps the best thing I ever did. In the last month alone, over 230 "friends" have been deleted from Facebook, my Instagram has been dwindled down a bit, contacts deleted from my phone. Man. I should have done this a LONG time ago. It has been such a relief, and a weight off of my shoulders to not have to sift through status upon status of people I only met once, people I've never met, people I haven't talked to since 1998. I now have my Facebook set purely for the people I want and like (if I'm going to be honest), as well as those who I like to creep on? What? I didn't say that.

Hope you all are staying warm and cozy on this January day. Obviously, there was no real point to this particular post, just me jabbering on. Back tomorrow with my usual wit and charm! ;)

Friday, January 9, 2015

End of the Week Odds and Ends

Happy Friday, you beautiful mermaids! Hope everyone is staying nice and toasty, because Jesus. It is COLDER THAN MOLASSES outside. Can molasses be cold? Let's move on.

I think every Friday, I'll end the week with a wrap up of the previous week; links I've discovered, random news, articles, etc. You get the picture.

-- It only cost me $25 to fill my tank today. Nearly makes it worth standing in the depths of Antarctica.

-- My Heart Expanded 89 sizes -- Hoping you all got a chance to see this absolutely heartwarming  video of Washington Capitals player, Alex Ovechkin's date with a 10 year old girl with Down Syndrome. It will restore your faith in humanity and make you cry tears of joy.

Neighbors from Hell -- This article on Bustle introduces my new favorite Instagram account, Neighbors from Hell. It is hilarious, and makes me incredibly happy that I have such quiet and nice neighbors.

Wine Ice Cream -- I'm just going to leave that there. No explanation necessary.

If you come across anything funny, profound, interesting that you'd like to share, please leave a link in the comments! Stay warm and bundled and enjoy your weekend, beauties!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weekly Book Roundup

Hope everyone is staying nice and toasty! I thought, as we're starting a new year, that I would introduce a couple of new posts. As the voracious reader I am, I think it comes as no great shock that one of those posts would be book related. As time goes on, I will come up with a much more clever name for it (suggestions? Bueller? Bueller?). Until then, I'll just stick with the Weekly Book Roundup. I'm nothing if not straight to the point.

Currently, I'm on a classics binge. Reading or re-reading my way through some of the great literature of our time. Right now, it's Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger, two interrelated short stories about brother and sister in 1950's New York. Prior to that it was Little Women and Pride and Prejudice. I still have a stack to make my way through, including the other 5 works of Jane Austen.

In terms of more recent works of literature, a list of books that I've really enjoyed and am recommending to everyone I've ever met, and some I haven't: How To Build A Girl by Caitlin Moran, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, Yes Please by Amy Poehler, the list goes on and on. I could talk about books all day, errrrry day. 

What are you currently reading? Do you keep a stack of books on your bedside table like me? Or decorate your living room with them? No? Just me? Cool. 

Stay warm, drink some wine, and hunker down, you beautiful tropical fish! (Please tell me everyone knows these Parks and Recreation references, otherwise I'm sure I seem insane). 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Winter Netflix Binges

Ugh, January. You and I have a love/hate relationship. On one hand, you're the start of a new year, the beginning of a fresh start; on the other hand, your weather leaves little to be desired. When they find a fashionable way to go out socially in a blanket and footie pajamas, maybe our relationship will be better. Until then, I'm content to curl up on the couch binge-watching shows I've never even heard of.

A couple of months ago, I bit the bullet and got rid of cable and switched strictly to a Roku, which is such a great invention. There are channels I didn't even know existed, for every interest possible. I tend to lean more towards British television, and I am most certainly not disappointed. While I am by no means an authority on such topics, I thought it would be a great idea to share what I'm currently binge watching and maybe get some ideas on what to watch next. While we're all home bound for the next few months, here are my ideas for what to watch. (Each link will go to the show's IMDB page).

The West Wing -- I'm currently halfway through the show's second season and have no qualms saying that it's in my list of top 5 favorite shows ever. Well written, well acted, wonderfully smart and funny, The West Wing tells the story of the administration of President Josiah Bartlet. Running from 1999 to 2006 on NBC, there are 156 glorious episodes to keep your eyes glued to the screen. I've never been incredibly wild about politics, but this show frames it in a way that gives you an understanding of what goes on in Washington in a simple, straightforward manner.

Doctor Who -- I never thought I'd really get into this show, as I'm not really a sci-fi person. 9 episodes in, and I'm singing a different tune. I was looking for something a bit different and came across this while browsing Hulu Plus one night. Beginning in 1963, Doctor Who is one of the longest running television programs, telling the story of a Time Lord who travels by TARDIS. It's a bit odd, but I can totally see how it has gained the cult following it has. If you're looking for something a bit off the beaten path, I'd definitely recommend it. Plus, cute boys with British accents abound. How can you go wrong?

House of Cards -- A Netflix original series, House of Cards tells the story of Frank and Claire Underwood, a married couple who will do anything it takes to become the most powerful people in Washington. And I do mean, ANYTHING. I only started it because I had heard other people talk about it with such fervor. So, I started it, not thinking I'd last more than a couple of episodes before I'd lose interest. Cut to a woman obsessed. I'm already counting down to the show's third season premiere on February 27th after binge watching the first two seasons in record time. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are really fantastic, with a supporting cast that will blow you away. While some storylines are a bit ridiculous, the show as a whole really is great and I can't recommend it enough.

I'll leave it at three shows today. :) If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comments! I'm always looking for new shows to watch. And if you do have a Roku, you also need to check out Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld and Miranda, such wonderful comedic half hours! 

Hope you're all staying warm on this blustery Tuesday! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015!

Hope all of you beautiful unicorns had a wonderful holiday and fantastic start to the new year. 2015 I'm hoping will finally be the year of the hover board! If you haven't started off the year with a Back to the Future reference, have you truly lived?

5 days in to the new year and already, I've started to make small changes. I've begun to purge myself digitally and not have such a social media presence anymore. I've deleted Twitter, I've unfollowed literally over a 100 accounts on Instagram, and deleted nearly that same amount of "friends" on Facebook. I've never really been one for resolutions (eat less sugar! Look, sugar is delicious and I will eat the hell out of it), instead, trying to rectify and tweak the habits and ideas that I know I could be better about as I approach the start of my 30th year. Which, rereading that sentence, does sound a lot like another definition of resolution, but let's move on.

I want to establish a bigger and better blog presence and just focus on the people I have in my life. Purging myself not only digitally, but of negative and toxic friendships is also something I've worked on doing and I find myself the better for it. I've felt, especially over the last few years, that I've let a lot of friendships dwindle because I was so focused on something else, being somewhere else. That needs to change. I won't be spending a whole lot of time anymore where I had been in previous years and summers. This past summer was the start of that, and it felt really good. My reunion a month ago, opened my eyes to what and who I needed to surround myself with. While I'm an incredibly lucky lady to be surrounded by the love and laughter that I am, it's also time to expand that and rekindle old friendships. Also, how can there be anything wrong with the addition of MORE love and laughter to your life?

The biggest lesson I've taken from 2014 is that I can't care for anyone romantically, until I care for myself. Really, honestly love myself for the badass, intelligent woman that I am. And that's started to happen, slowly but surely. I've made some mistakes with men, some GINORMOUS mistakes, but that's the only way to learn. And I feel confident that the next gentleman caller (why don't we say that more? I dig it) is going to be one who can keep up with me and one that loves me the way that I love me.

I really have a good feeling about you, 2015. Don't let me down.