Thursday, December 11, 2014

Social Media's Takeover

Like all things, there are good points and bad points with social media. It has become such a prevalent part of our society, that mere minutes cannot go by without someone checking their Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, what have you, while in the company of others. I'm incredibly guilty of it and am trying to slim down on the amount of time I spend on there. And when I am on there, I try to bring about some levity. I want to be funny and ridiculous, because honestly, that's what makes me feel the most comfortable and what makes me feel good.

The last few weeks and months especially have been very hard to get a grasp on, as Americans, and really, as human beings. I've tried to keep my mouth shut as often as I can, and scroll through. Some days it has taken all of my strength. Some days, I've reached for the wine bottle. What is going on not just domestically, but globally, is a tough pill to swallow and incredibly scary. I get on social media to be entertained, to laugh, to be educated, to see how friends are that I'm not able to keep up with as often as I'd like. I am not on social media to be bombarded by racism, sexism, ageism, any other kind of -ism that makes me want to punch people in the throat.

I understand that everyone's opinions are their own and they are entitled to them. Absolutely. It's just difficult when you get on social media expecting to see cat videos or a funny picture of your friends, and instead hatred is all you see. The worst and most vile words spoken against every type of person. Fighting hate with more hate. It's heartbreaking. Social media is meant to bring people closer, not tear them apart.

Especially the last few days, when I want to take a picture of something or someone, in my head I've started asking myself "why are you putting a camera in front of your face? Enjoy the moment." There are many moments that call for being captured on film, phone, beaming into the eyesockets of the future I'm sure we can all look forward to (watching too much Jetsons? Sorry). Then, there are many moments and feelings and surroundings, that you should put down your phone and experience as a human being; relishing in how small you really are and how big this planet is. It always baffles my mind every time when I see people on vacation (and especially those on their honeymoon), who can't seem to put their phone down long enough to enjoy it. When pictures are being posted every 10 minutes of how much fun your vacation is. Obviously it's not, if you're on social media 98% of the time. It's almost as if you need to prove a point or to make others jealous, when really, you just need to be enjoying yourself and the company of the people you're with.

Social media is a wonderful thing. I enjoy it and know that it does wonders for restoring friendships, families, finding a laugh when you're having a terrible day, the list goes on. Just don't rely on it as your sole source of news, entertainment, what have you. Take it for what it is, and keep to your diary for the really salacious stuff that I seriously cannot believe people put on the Internet.

                                                           Credit: (Pinterest)

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