Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Travel Tuesday: Bali, Indonesia

Back with Travel Tuesdays! Because the snow and cold temps are a drag to most of us, though it does come with the territory, let's pretend we're heading to Bali today. I mean, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LOOK AT IT. LOOK! There's a water slide in the middle of the forest/jungle/lots of trees. :) 

                                                              (Credit: Pinterest)

Located in southeast Asia, Bali is one of 17,000 (!!!) archipelagos in Indonesia, and is known as the "Island of the Gods." On the island of Bali alone, there are over 20,000 temples, which hold twice yearly festivals. Along with the beautiful beaches and volcanic hillsides, Bali maintains delightful year round temps ranging from 68-93 degrees. Hello, lover. HELLO. 

                                                           Credit: (Pinterest)

The above image is of the Viceroy Bali, and I think we can all agree that we want to go to there. It is a family owned and operated resort located in Bali's Valley of Kings. Dear Future Husband: HONEYMOON ALERT (If I marry a millionaire, which obviously has a great chance of happening). 

Look, I understand this post is all over the place with no real flow to it, but JESUS. I keep pulling up images on Pinterest and hope that magically, I'll look out my window and see the beaches of Bali instead of the snow covered yards of Edwardsville, Illinois. Has anyone talked to Dumbledore about the advent of Apparition in muggles yet? (Yeah, I'm an HP nerd, DEAL). It's the kind of destination that legitimately makes you go "hummina hummina hummina," meaning there just aren't words for its beauty. Lest you think I'm making this up -- LOOK. I'd like to wake up to that gorgeous view every morning, please and thank you. 

So, anyone have a few thousand dollars laying around and want to take me to Bali? I'll be your best friend. Plus, I'm a hoot and a holler on all international vacations. YOU ARE WELCOME. 

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