Friday, October 3, 2014

Truth Bomb Friday

Happy Friday, kittens! Finally made it to the end of the week! Pour yourself some wine (in a few hours, unless drinking at 11:30 AM is your thing, NO JUDGMENT). Today's post is going to be a bit more on the 'shit happens' side. I'm not writing about it to garner sympathy by any means, I'm writing about it because writing tends to help me process things and I want to prove to myself that the attitude to get where I want to be is in me.

For the last 5 years, I had been working as a legal assistant. It was something I had fallen into, not what I went to school for. I figured I would do it for a year or two while looking for what truly made me happy. Well, cut to 5 years later, still doing the same thing. It had become an issue of safety and routine. Because, Jesus Howard Christ, if I don't love me some routine. But, I realized it had gotten stale. I just didn't have the drive to do anything about it. Cut to Monday afternoon, when I lost my job. I allowed myself to be upset about it for a day or so, because even when you do expect things, they still sometimes have a tendency to come as a shock. 

After that day or two of being upset, I realized, this was probably one of the best things that could happen. It's not what drives me, I don't have a passion for it, so why be so down in the dumps? While I worked with wonderful people, it didn't get me up every morning with a go-getter attitude. Now, I can look for a real, honest to goodness career. I can look for something that makes me happy and I have a passion for (wine taster?). 

Things don't always happen in the way that we expect them too, and I'm slowly learning that that's alright. There's a small part of me that's embarrassed I'll turn up for my high school reunion next month with the job title of "unemployed," but I'll just dazzle with my wit and charm. That works, right? This will allow me to write more, to dig deeper into the creative side that has laid dormant for so long. I'm looking forward to pursuing not just a job, but a career, a life, a passion. Also, drinking wine at noon tends to help as well. 

Just remember, things happen that we have absolutely no control over. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's for the worst. Sometimes blessings and great things are packaged as bad things or "Shiiiiit man, really?" things. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, dig down deep to find your inner warrior and live the life you want for yourself. It's actually not so bad.

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