Monday, January 19, 2015

The Importance of Female Friendships

You know those women who say that all of their friends are men? That they don't have any female friends at all? I don't trust women that don't surround themselves with other amazing broads. Women that don't have a group on their Facebook dedicated to their "lady cats" or that don't have a group of gals they rely on for advice, wine dates, support. There is something you get from your female friendships that you can't get from your male friends. Don't get me wrong, men are fantastic and I have wonderful guys in my life to go to for advice and beers. At this point in my life, it's just important for me to focus on my ladies and building those relationships.

I told myself that in 2015, I would really focus on spending more time building up those relationships and I think I'm off to a great start! Brunches, Blues games, just feeling the love and support and humor that is uniquely female has already made this year so fulfilling. I've had experiences with women that have not been great, that have been hurtful. But, in the end, you need to do what is right for you. And if you feel like you're surrounding yourself with someone that you're not meant to, than there is nothing wrong with cutting ties. Absolutely nothing. And don't let anyone tell you that there is. 

There have been women that I've only met ONCE, that I feel such a connection to. And I can't describe how wonderful that is. To find a like-minded, intelligent broad who you can rely on, who you can text at all hours about anything, whose sense of humor makes you feel like everything will be fantastic. I feel really lucky about how my life has directed me towards the women in my life. Women I went to school with, women who I met through mutual friends, I am incredibly grateful to have you in my life and to call you friends. 

Men are total delights (well, a decent amount of them are), and I love them. But, until I love myself and surround myself with women who do the same (which I do and I have!), I won't be a good girlfriend/wife/lady. This year is about focusing on me, my lady friends and realizing being on my own is totally cool. Tara can take care of Tara. And until I meet that tall, dark and handsome Brit, I'm perfectly content. Which only took me 29 years. 

Being around women that understand you and support you? There's just nothing like it. This Hello Giggles article says it better than I ever could. Cherish and raise up the women in your life. They are the ones who will be there when shit hits the fan. They are the ones who get it. 

And if you're ever feeling down about a friendship or relationship and need some guidance, "Just Do You" by India.Arie is my jam and has helped me channel that inner badass/goddess that is in all of us. 

Enjoy your Monday, beauties.