Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Winter Netflix Binges

Ugh, January. You and I have a love/hate relationship. On one hand, you're the start of a new year, the beginning of a fresh start; on the other hand, your weather leaves little to be desired. When they find a fashionable way to go out socially in a blanket and footie pajamas, maybe our relationship will be better. Until then, I'm content to curl up on the couch binge-watching shows I've never even heard of.

A couple of months ago, I bit the bullet and got rid of cable and switched strictly to a Roku, which is such a great invention. There are channels I didn't even know existed, for every interest possible. I tend to lean more towards British television, and I am most certainly not disappointed. While I am by no means an authority on such topics, I thought it would be a great idea to share what I'm currently binge watching and maybe get some ideas on what to watch next. While we're all home bound for the next few months, here are my ideas for what to watch. (Each link will go to the show's IMDB page).

The West Wing -- I'm currently halfway through the show's second season and have no qualms saying that it's in my list of top 5 favorite shows ever. Well written, well acted, wonderfully smart and funny, The West Wing tells the story of the administration of President Josiah Bartlet. Running from 1999 to 2006 on NBC, there are 156 glorious episodes to keep your eyes glued to the screen. I've never been incredibly wild about politics, but this show frames it in a way that gives you an understanding of what goes on in Washington in a simple, straightforward manner.

Doctor Who -- I never thought I'd really get into this show, as I'm not really a sci-fi person. 9 episodes in, and I'm singing a different tune. I was looking for something a bit different and came across this while browsing Hulu Plus one night. Beginning in 1963, Doctor Who is one of the longest running television programs, telling the story of a Time Lord who travels by TARDIS. It's a bit odd, but I can totally see how it has gained the cult following it has. If you're looking for something a bit off the beaten path, I'd definitely recommend it. Plus, cute boys with British accents abound. How can you go wrong?

House of Cards -- A Netflix original series, House of Cards tells the story of Frank and Claire Underwood, a married couple who will do anything it takes to become the most powerful people in Washington. And I do mean, ANYTHING. I only started it because I had heard other people talk about it with such fervor. So, I started it, not thinking I'd last more than a couple of episodes before I'd lose interest. Cut to a woman obsessed. I'm already counting down to the show's third season premiere on February 27th after binge watching the first two seasons in record time. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are really fantastic, with a supporting cast that will blow you away. While some storylines are a bit ridiculous, the show as a whole really is great and I can't recommend it enough.

I'll leave it at three shows today. :) If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comments! I'm always looking for new shows to watch. And if you do have a Roku, you also need to check out Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld and Miranda, such wonderful comedic half hours! 

Hope you're all staying warm on this blustery Tuesday! 


  1. I binge Netflix like crazy (we've never had cable) and watch EVERYTHING British! Have you tried Doc Martin, Call the Midwife or Kingdom Come? Also Hell on Wheels, Copper and Ripper Street? Murdoch, Bramwell and Bomber Girls- all wonderful!

  2. oh, and 'myownplace' is me, Llynnie. =8>D

  3. I absolutely LOVE Call The Midwife! One of my absolute favorites! :) The other ones I haven't tried yet, I'll have to check them out immediately!
