Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tales From Dating's Front Lines

Happy return of Parks and Recreation day! That's a real thing, right? Well, we're going to make it one. I've missed Pawnee and can't wait to get back to Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson.

                                                              (All of us).

Anyways, as a single 29 year old lady, it's safe to say I've been on my fair share of dates -- some great, some terrible. And I'm hoping, as I approach my 30's, that my taste has gotten infinitely better than it has been in my 20's. DAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN,Gina-- you did not make great decisions. But, how else are you going to learn? How else are you going to figure out what you like, dislike, could live with, absolutely could NOT live with? I've seen it all, I've seen men (actually, let's go with boys), not take the HOOD OF THEIR HOODIES OFF AT THE DINNER TABLE. THE ENTIRE TIME. That warrants all caps, don't even tell me it doesn't. Could you please walk me through what goes through your mind, as a male, to warrant thinking that's an okay thing to do? JESUS. I didn't get a "Hey, Tara, you look great!" Which, look dudes, even if she doesn't look top notch, at least be gentlemanly enough to compliment her. When you go through a whole meal without a single nice thing said to your date, there will be no next date.

Then, there have been dudes who talk about OTHER women while dining with you. I'm sorry, what makes you think I want to hear about how good looking you think so and so is? Also, thanks for making me feel about 2 inches tall, you total douchecanoe (when I write my memoirs, you can be certain the word "douchecanoe" will be making so many appearances. It's a great word!). What's super interesting, is being told months later, that the dude did in fact like you just as much as you liked him. Excuse me while I go laugh myself to tears. He had an incredibly funny way of showing it, and believe me when I say, that ship has sailed. There will be no more chances. Off to the island of Douchecanoastoria for you, good sir.

Ladies, men should think you the sun rises and sets with you, BECAUSE IT DOES. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. You are a beautiful, intelligent, kind, funny and delightful woman with so much to offer this crazy world of ours. Don't allow yourself to get mixed up with the likes of (sorry, I seem to think I'm a character in a 1940's crime novel, let's just go with it) men who don't appreciate you. I have and it's THE WORST. Obviously. I mean, could there be a more obvious sentence? I used to think that because everyone else around me was in a serious relationship/engaged/married, that I needed to be too. That is definitely not the case. I'm not going to date for the sake of dating. You have to really wow me in order for me to even consider a date with you. Perhaps that may be a bit pretentious, but at this point, I don't care. I'm looking for someone to share my life with, so I tend to take great care about that. At nearly 30, I hope a marriage and family is in my near future and if I continued down the path I was on, that wouldn't happen. Realize how fantastic you are, and never settle.

Another thing I find to be so incredibly worth it while seeing if Mr. Right is even on his way, is fortifying my female friendships. If you do find yourself a single lady, stop focusing on men, and focus on the women in your life. Your girlfriends are such an important relationship in life, don't let that fall by the wayside. I'm so lucky to be getting closer to such wonderful women and I cannot wait as the bond grows stronger.

It's taken me a long time to realize my strengths and what I bring to the table, I will no longer waste that on men who don't deserve it. And you shouldn't either. Hold out for the man that doesn't make you think "ARE YOU SERIOUS, RIGHT NOW?" at least 13 times during your date. He's out there, I promise. Until you find him, you do you, girl. YOU DO YOU.

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