Monday, January 26, 2015

29 Things I've Learned in 29 Years

I won't be 30 until September, but I've seen quite a few similar posts around the blogosphere lately, and wanted to share some well earned pearls of wisdom. Because I'm so wise? As I head into my 30th year, I thought the fear would have set in, but shockingly, I can't wait. CANNOT WAIT. To quote Nick Miller from New Girl, I feel like I'm finally growing into my personality. 

1. You do you. I can't stress it enough and it's the one thing I've really preached. I always went along with what everyone else did or wanted to do, just because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes or upset anyone. Now? Look, if I don't want to go out at 10 PM, I REFUSE TO. Besides -- 10 PM? Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, I have a hot date with Jon Stewart. 
2. Always take off your makeup before bed. Your skin will thank you.
3. I spent my 20's dating and spending time with men who clearly didn't feel about me the way I thought I felt about them. Life is too short to spend around jerks. Realize what a beautiful catch you are, and kick that douchecanoe to that curb. 
4. There's a lot to be said for dance parties alone in your living room. 
5. Leggings are comfortable and I don't care what anyone says. I will wear the hell out of them. Wear what you want. Don't let your fashion and style be dictated by anyone but you. If it's comfortable, if it makes you feel like a million bucks -- own the hell out of it!
6. There's nothing wrong with being alone. I no longer feel the need to make excuses for being single. I don't feel judged for it, I don't feel bad about it. I won't settle down until I feel like I'm ready, not when society feels I should.
7. Stand up for what you think is right. You would think this would be a no brainer, but I've always kept my mouth shut around people whose opinions differed from my own. I'm not ashamed to identify myself as a pro-choice, feminist, proud member of the Democratic party. I won't apologize for thinking women are equal to men. I won't apologize for thinking that MY BODY IS MY BODY, so keep your mouth shut, old Republican white men. No vagina, no opinion. Also, I'm Team Jennifer (Aniston) and Team NOT Bill Cosby.
8. Surround yourself only with those who lift you up. Don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for cutting out toxic friendships. Not everyone should be in your life forever (do I sound like a Hallmark card yet?).
9. Invest in some great red lipstick.
10. Guys DO make passes at girls who wear glasses.
11. Love your body. And if someone makes fun of it, screw them. I don't care if you're 500 pounds or 50, own the skin you're in. You're beautiful.
12. Don't apologize for loving the hell out of something. 
13. Wine will never let you down. It will always be there for you.
14. Never suffer in silence. If something is going on in your life, don't be afraid to ask for help. I've been on anxiety medication since July and it's the best thing I ever did. You're not less of a person. You're human. 
15. Live like you're 21, think like you're 61. Gots to save that money!
16. Your female relationships are some of the most important relationships you'll ever have, choose wisely. 
17. If you're a geek at 14, chances are you'll still be one at 29. And that is THE GD BEST. 
18. Always keep a book in your purse.
19. Some days just call for sitting on the couch, watching an incredible amount of Netflix. Don't sweat it. 
20. You can't love anyone else until you love yourself. I spent my 20's being incredibly hard on myself (well, let's be honest, I spent my teens the same way), and that is something that is ever evolving with me. I know that I'm not a Heidi Klum by ANY stretch of the imagination, but being able to look in the mirror every day and saying "Damn girl, you're alright" has been such an eye opening experience and one that I am so grateful for. 
21. You're not going to like everybody and not everybody is going to like you. That's cool, dude.
22. Quality over quantity. All day, every day.
23. Put the phone away every once in awhile and enjoy a genuine human interaction. 
24. When you put yourself out there, generally people are incredibly receptive to the effort. If they're not, don't waste your time; people generally tend not to change much.
25. Spend time with your creators (your parents, obviously...or Jesus, I don't know your life) because you want to, not because you feel like you have to. 
26. Don't dumb yourself down. It's not cute. 
27. That thought you have that people are talking about or judging you? I guarantee you they are not. There's too much BS going on in their own lives. 
28. Fedoras are not to be trusted. ON ANYONE. 
29. You learned all of life's basic lessons in kindergarten. 

                                            (My life motto) 

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