Tuesday, February 17, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- 9 Lives

I'm going to take a bit more freedom with this challenge, because some of these clearly appeal to me more than others, and because I want to really work on my writing (LUCKY YOU). When I first found this challenge via Pinterest, the one that stuck out the most was #17: Other Lives I'd want to live if I had 9 lives. I've always had people tell me they feel I'm a bit of an old soul, which I think is why the challenge spoke to me as much as it did. I've always felt I might have fared better had I been born 30, 40, 60 years ago. Well, 'fared better,' might not be the right term. But, I certainly would have fit in better. 

9 lives seems like a lot, but I think I'm up to the task. :) 

1. I would LOVE to have been a flapper in the 1920's. Dancing the Charleston, flouting societal mores and drinking alcohol despite Prohibition. Flappers tend to have been more outlandish and reckless than I currently am, which is something I would be incredibly interested to tap into. Plus, those dresses? SIGN ME UP. 
2. In that same vein, I would have loved to have been part of the Lost Generation, coming of age during the first World War. To be around such literary masterminds as Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Stein is a dream come true for a book nerd like myself. The conversations that would be happening is enough to stop my book loving heart. It's why Midnight in Paris is one of my favorite movies. I could live in it. Referencing the post- war, expatriate generation and coined by Gertrude Stein, I don't think you could find a better life to live.
3. I'd also like to take a crack at being a Girl Friday for a newspaper in the 1940's. Ummmm....YES PLEASE. Plus, those outfits. Yes. All of the yes. The fast paced aspects of all that it would entail is certainly right up my alley. 
4. Any life in which I'd get to be friends with Audrey Hepburn. 
5. Any life in which I'd get to be BFF's with Gilda Radner. 
6. Any life in which I could dance with Gene Kelly. 
7. Being a flower child, hippie of the 60's also holds a bit of an appeal. Not only because the music is AMAZING, but the chance to hear Joplin or Hendrix live? I would have been at Woodstock in a heartbeat.
8. I've been on a bit of a classics binge lately in terms of what I'm reading, so being a character in a Jane Austen novel always holds quite a bit of appeal for me. Or, at least exploring the English countryside in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with a Mr. Darcy like fellow. 
9. Any life in which Jimmy Stewart narrates by voiceover. 

What about you, beauties? What lives would you be interested in? I'd be delighted to hear! Hope you're all staying warm and cozy!

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