Monday, February 9, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 6

In case you missed it, I did a surprise Sunday post last night! It's rare, but it happens. Today's challenge is "pet peeves." Dear baby Jesus, this could be 79 pages long. THERE ARE SO MANY. 

1-- Poor grammar. Look, with everything available at our fingertips these days with technology and what have you, there is NO EXCUSE for misspelled words, numbers in words, or any of that middle school girl BS. I don't understand people who just don't care to come off as uneducated idiots. How much time does it save you to cut down an already 3 letter word to one? I mean, are you kidding me? Jesus. You make me weep for humanity. And it's not necessarily people of my generation, it's people who are 20-30 years OLDER. I mean, COME ON. I just don't understand why people are so lax with their communications. And if you don't know how to spell a word? Let me introduce you to this wonderful website, it's called Google. Or It will even give you the definition! Also, definitely does NOT have an A and ridiculous does not have an E. Thank you and good day. I SAID GOOD DAY.

2-- People who use social media as a platform to proclaim their "love" for their significant other incessantly. I think it's wonderful that you have someone that makes you happy. That's wonderful! Good for you! Mazel. But, when you do nothing with your Facebook or Instagram or Myface except to fill it with posts about how "great and wonderful" your SO is, let me take this time to call you out on your BS. I don't know who you think you're kidding, but it's painfully obvious to everyone on your feed that something isn't right. People in healthy, functioning relationships don't parade their love around. Text messages exist for a reason. Take the work you're putting into making everyone THINK you're happy and use it to actually make yourself happy. In whatever capacity that entails.

3-- People who don't use their blinkers. Contrary to popular belief, I am not telepathic. I cannot read your mind. I know! Weird, right? So, it would be just a delight if you could remember that your blinker isn't there for decoration, but to let the people behind you know what you're doing, so they don't have to brake suddenly. 

4-- The constant barrage of "Why are you single?" questions. I am single because I WANT TO BE. Because I haven't met someone that has made me go "Huh, you're a game changer, dude." I don't tolerate bullshit. I did for a long time, because I didn't care enough about myself. My standards are quite high, and I don't apologize for that. Unless and until you can make me feel that my life would be enhanced by you being in it, I'm perfectly content with books, booze and my amazing lady friends. Society needs to stop making women feel terrible because they're not married by a certain age. I will settle down when I feel that it's the best thing for me. I do very much want that for myself one day; a husband, a family. But, I WILL NOT settle. So, shut your face and let me do me for now. 

Well, I think that's enough "peevish" Tara for today. :) What are some of your pet peeves, beauties? Please share! 

Happy Monday! 

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