Tuesday, February 10, 2015

31 Day Challenge -- Day 7

Today's challenge is "reasons to be happy." A welcome challenge, after the last couple of days of Debbie Downer. I hesitate to make this post sound like an after school special, but I'm afraid it might veer into that territory a bit. I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE.

1. Finally surrounding myself with strong women who's values and morals line up with my own. I'm not about to claim that I'm Prudish Penelope, by any stretch of the imagination. But, the last few months have been a wake up call as to who I spend my time with. Female relationships are so important and I'm glad that I've had the experiences I have had. However, I'm even more glad that I decided enough was enough and surrounded myself with the ladies who fill my heart with laughter. Women who I know are supposed to be in my life, and I hope will always be. 

2. BOOKS. So many books. My living room currently looks like the inside of a Barnes & Noble and I am delighted. Coming home to a huge stack of books and a glass of wine, for me, is the absolute pinnacle of happiness. 

3. Netflix binges. This might be a weird bullet point, but hear me out. The last few months, being unemployed, have taken a toll on my psyche a bit. There are days where you almost just want to say 'screw it,' and move to a tent on the beach. Allowing myself a bit of escapism through Netflix, has been known to calm me the hell down and take me out of my mind a bit. After I FINALLY finished Friday Night Lights (Texas Forever), I'm now back to finishing The West Wing and starting Broadchurch, because if I'm not watching at least one British series at a time, I'm not living. 

4. My family. Which is such a given. 

5. Making lots of little things to look forward to. This is one is probably my favorite. Sometimes life just really kicks you in the behind, and you need something to get you through the day/week/month/or even your year. ;) (PS-- Not getting that reference results in an automatic loss of friendship). It's why I drag out watching shows on Netflix, like House of Cards or Orange is the New Black, so I have something to look forward to at the end of a crappy day. Life is already hard enough as it is, might as well make it as enjoyable as you can. Plus, knowing I have a dinner and drinks date or a new book to look forward to, makes me that much more productive, so I can enjoy it sooner.

6. Learning how to say no and standing up for myself has been the biggest lesson I've learned this year. It has allowed me to cut out the BS and really live the life I want for myself (look, I warned you at the beginning this would take a turn). In the immortal words of one Ms. Liz Lemon: 

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