Monday, April 28, 2014

Journaling Prompts

Happy Monday, you beautiful unicorns! Everyone staying dry and out of harm's way? This weather is vicious! More vicious than I am after being woken up. (Ba dum bum.) Seriously guys, there's a reason I'm still single and that joke is it. THAT JOKE IS IT.

Last week I talked about making a few changes around here. Mostly content wise, the design of the blog will stay the same for now. In one of my many Pinterest binges I came across a set of journaling prompts that I thought would allow not only you to know me a bit better, but if you so choose, for me to know you! AND LOVE YOU. (Hi, I'm a creep.) The prompts are below and some days I'll change it up because to me, some come across a bit tween/teen-y. Are those even words? They are today. The other days of the week that are set aside for travel, books, ladyfriends, etc. will still be around. This was just an idea to prompt me to write more.

We're starting off with 5 Ways to Win my Heart. There are a lot more than 5, but I'll give you the honest answers first.

  1.      Be kind. Please don't be a dickbag. To your waiters, your family, your friends, whoever, just BE A NICE PERSON. Stop putting on a show to hide whatever deep seated insecurity it is that you may have (and we all have them). You don't need to be cocky or constantly showing off what six pack you think you may have. I'm a lot more attracted to the fact that you talk about your family/job/friends with such love. That seals it for me. 
  2. Have ambition. This is a big one for me because I've dated guys whose lack of ambition astounds me. Set goals for yourself and work to meet them. Don't just settle yourself in place with no desire to move or do anything else with your life. Take life by the balls, man! You want to go live in Barcelona for a year, do it! That excitement and drive is what wins me over. That passion to change the world/drive race cars/meet Zach Galifianakis is what makes you you and drives you to be better, so why hide it?
  3. Intelligence is incredibly attractive. I'm not saying that you have to read 567 books a year or have an Ivy League degree, but being able to hold your own in a conversation of substance has always been a big draw for me. That goes for friends too, not just men. 
  4. MANNERS. Self explanatory. 
  5. Make me laugh. Again, pretty self explanatory.
If you want some more ways to win my heart that may come a bit lower down the list:
  - Don't wear fedoras. Don't wear socks with sandals. Realize the power of good grammar. Own a suit ( a legitimate suit, guys. YOU'RE A MAN. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER). Binge watch Netflix with me on rainy/snowy days. If I order shrimp at dinner, you don't get any. Order your own, dude. Some days I just want to read and not be bothered, understand that. Some days I watch 4 HP movies in a row, understand that. Cubs fans may be tolerated, but will always get made fun of. Republicans have no shot in hell. MOVE ALONG. Traveling the world is big on my bucket list, come along for the ride! 

There's quite a bit more to both lists, but that's a good enough start for now. :) 

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