Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Of These Days...

We're going to get right into it today. Today's prompt is 'something that I feel strongly about.' As a fairly emotional person (and by that I mean, SUPER EMOTIONAL), I feel strongly about a lot of things (education, good manners, Tom Hiddleston, the merits of peanut butter on vanilla ice cream). What I feel the most strongly about though, is equality. Especially after the disheartening remarks that have come out over the last few days in regards to race. Some days, when I jump on Facebook to see what everyone has had for breakfast, and I come across the most upsetting comments that I could ever hope to see, it breaks my heart. And it's not just social media, it's become embedded in our society. In 2008, during President Obama's first run for office, I actually had someone tell me that they thought racism and sexism would be eradicated in our lifetime. I don't know if you're shocked by this, but that person was a heterosexual, white male. I literally laughed in his face. How do you expect two centuries old concepts to just go POOF! overnight? You can't. Because they won't. I would love it if they did. Would do the world's biggest and best happy dance. But you have to be realistic, and the very next sentence out of his mouth was perhaps the most sexist scenario he could have presented. When you tell me you think sexism will be eradicated (like it's a disease) and then proceed to show me how that's actually NOT the case by starting out a sentence, "If a woman....," uh, well, you kind of contradicted yourself there, buddy. Equality only brings about a more tolerant, loving, intelligent and productive society. It only brings about more love, why are we turning away from that? Why is the concept of more love in the world scarier to you than the hate you spew?

I don't understand where the amount of hate comes from that seems to be prevalent in today's society. These trolls that sit behind their computer screen lambasting everything and everyone that's view is different then theirs is sickening and heartbreaking. 9 times out of 10, I scroll past comments on everything. Even pictures of the most adorable baby you've ever seen, because some bastard decides to be a dick. Also, if you're going to insult someone via the Internet (very original, by the way. Kudos on that.), at least do it with the proper grammatical construct. Because I generally don't take insults to heart where the words have numbers in place of letters (also, on a different note, STOP DOING THAT. NUMBERS DON'T BELONG IN WORDS. TYPE OUT THE DAMN WORD.) Or, here's an idea, stop insulting people you've never met and probably will never meet. What purpose is it serving you to spew such hate and vitriol at people? How is it benefiting your life? We all have something different that we bring to the table. We all have talents that are uniquely ours and serves the world in a way that only we can do. It's 2014, you guys. TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN. This shit has got to end. I hate getting up in the morning and reading yet ANOTHER news story that someone has been hurt or killed because of the abhorrent prejudice that seems to permeate our daily lives. I really hope that one day I live in a world where I can wake up and read the headline, "Everyone Decided To Stop Being Dicks To Each Other. Free Puppies and Beer for All!" I think that's realistic.

Maybe that is a bit far fetched, but I do sincerely hope that one day, I'll be raising my children in a world where good news outweighs the bad, where you can marry whoever the hell you damn well please, and where Tina Fey is president.

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