Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Patronus is a Bookworm Thursdays: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Happy Thursday! Today was one of those days that gave you hope that winter is out of here and it's smooth sailing for the next 6-7 months (knock on wood). What a beauuuuuutiful day! I hope you all were able to get out and enjoy it.

It's Thursday, which means another installment of My Patronus is a Bookworm. WHOO. I can feel your excitement. This week, I've gone back to an old favorite. I try and reread the Harry Potter series at least once a year, for no other reason than because I can. It's comforting to me. If I'm sick or there's a snow day, I can guarantee you at least one of the HP movies is being popped in.

I'm not the only one that keeps going back to old favorites, right? TELL ME I'M NOT. I re-read the first three earlier this year, than got sidetracked with the stack of new books on my nightstand. Now, I'm back and nearly halfway through Goblet of Fire. (Also, if you've just watched the movies and never read the books, SIGH. We need to have some words.) I forgot, especially with Book 4, how much is omitted from the movies. The books are the way to go. Not that the movies aren't wonderful, they are. But, there's something about the books that's just special in a way the movies are not. I feel that way with most movie adaptations. You would be hard pressed to find a movie that I preferred over the book.

Your turn. What's the one book that you keep going back to? I'd love to hear! And it may just be another suggestion to add to my ever growing "To Read" list.

Happy almost weekend, you beautiful unicorns!